Gaming at Pendraken Miniatures - 20/04/2024

Started by Roy, 20 April 2024, 05:57:37 PM

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10mm American Civil War - Battle of Chancellorsville - Altar of Freedom rules

Other club members took photos, too. DaveD has some, I know, so maybe there'll be more added to this collection.

- Second photo: who put that chair there?! Blocking the Pendraken sign.
- last photo: Blooming 'eck, has there been a buying spree on Blitzkrieg Commander blister packs, or what!
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Man that looks like a blast. How do you like the Altar of Freedom rules? Being on the other side of the Atlantic with as much as I love 10mm, I can only imagine how fun playing a game at Pendraken would be.
2015 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!
2015 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!
2021 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - 3 x Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Winner!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Looks superb, just how I imagine this period should.   More photos would certainly be appreciated.   I'd also be interested in your thoughts on the rules.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Thank you for your kind words. Though I can't take any credit, as the majority of the miniatures and terrain belonged to Dave (Union co-commander alongside myself). Steve (CSA co-commander alongside Bren and Martin) might have provided some of the CSA troops(?). I do know that some of the trees used belonged to Ian 'Skywalker', who wasn't gaming with us on the day. My (tiny in comparison) contribution was providing three bases/brigades of Union infantry and creating a 'quick-look' admin sheet to record Union command points.

Quote from: Glorfindel on 21 April 2024, 10:24:01 AMMore photos would certainly be appreciated.

Dave has created a blog post AAR on the game, with a decent written account, over on his blog. I don't know if he's going to copy-and-paste onto the forum, so I won't post the address until I know.

Quote from: Glorfindel on 21 April 2024, 10:24:01 AMI'd also be interested in your thoughts on the rules.
Quote from: streetgang on 20 April 2024, 08:49:23 PMHow do you like the Altar of Freedom rules?

Dave would give you a better answer, to be honest, as I play so infrequently that I can't compare them to many other rules and they're the only ACW rules I've played (except for naval).

For me, I like them. The dual aspect of commanding miniatures on the tabletop and trying to position brigades for the best battlefield advantage, as well as the cerebral element of secret bidding for the turn clock management and in what order of priority brigades will activate, gives a multi-faceted game in which to try and outwit your opponent(s). I, also, like games where you're not in full control of everything - not all of your troops will move in a turn, possibly they'll never move during the entire game but their continued presence is enough to ensure a flank is protected, or that there's an army reserve should it be needed.

The rules section of the rules books is something like 20-pages long, which includes photos and historic images and combat examples to explain game situations. The rules are pretty simple, though offer tactical complexity in games. Dice rolls are only ever one six-sided dice, which are then modified and compared to a single table (Combat/Shooting/Rallying/General's Fate). Friendly brigades can leap-frog over each other during movement, saving the need to mess about with precision positioning. I find the rules to be user-friendly.

Having so many scenarios of battles readily available is also a great asset.

I played in the Antietam game on the last Sunday of last month. Chancellorsville, yesterday. And on this coming Sunday, myself and Dave are playing Peas Ridge, where I'll be commanding an army on my own instead of a partnership-team. Haven't decided which side to take, though I'm leaning towards taking Van Dorn's Confederates since I've played Union twice, now, and the scenario offers the Confederate player something different than what I've experienced in the two games I've already played.

- I'll find out from Dave if he's going to post his AAR and photo's on the forum.
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


Quote from: streetgang on 20 April 2024, 08:49:23 PMI can only imagine how fun playing a game at Pendraken would be.

Pendraken Miniatures are great hosts. I'll definitely state that. I believe they set up the tables for us on the night before, in the shop, as another club was using the tables in the games room. All we had to do was come in, lay out the gaming cloth and crack on.

While we were playing this game, Adele was working on replacing items on the display racks or serving us hot drinks from the water boiler behind the counter, or busy in the packing/sorting room (there's a small window so staff can look into the shop/main entrance if they're in the other room). Leon came in and engaged with us, asking about the game scenario, the rules, the items of terrain that weren't bought from Pendraken (for future reference/knowledge/ideas), talking about what Salute 51 show had been like on the weekend before. You do get people/customers popping into the shop, or coming into the games room to see what is happening, but it never interferes with the game(s).

You do get tempted to make snap-decision purchases, however. Although I only bought what I'd preordered this time (more ACW miniatures, custom order of sabot MDF bases for AoF, a book on US General John Pope, and some MDF bases from the display shelves). Others ended up buying, however - I'm sure Bren picked up some SciFi Tripod walkers!? And there was another custom order for MDF sabot bases placed with Leon.

Yes, I like playing at Pendraken. They're friendly. Inviting. It's useful to pick up stuff at the same time. And there's been the opportunity to meet other gamers in the area, on the occasions I've been there.
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


My blog post on the game is here

AOF are a set of rules that let you play a larger battle with some exposure to command challenges of the period . As the commander you have no need to know what weapons your troops have of the formation they are in. You are commanding divisions and Corps , not regiments . The fact the brigades do well or poorly in combat by dice roll / support etc help to add to the feel . It's a game where I think you can outwit your opponent by the strategy you choose and that is then altered by the in table results - but if you have it right you will be rewarded  . Personally think  a great game

The historical battle detail provided for the scenarios help to focus on the challenge for that battle .With the core rules in essence distilled down to a two page QRF after a game turn ir two you are up and running . Though it's easy to learn it's fun to try and master with command game layered over the top  .

I have enough kit to a large medium sized battle , providing both sides . Just a top up this year to take it to over the top levels ...😂😂


Great looking game this weekend, really nicely put together.  Could have done with more trees though...!  ;)

Quote- last photo: Blooming 'eck, has there been a buying spree on Blitzkrieg Commander blister packs, or what!

I think they've all been taken to restock the show stand at Salute, so the casting guys should have them filled up again soon!

Quote from: Roy on 21 April 2024, 08:43:58 PMPendraken Miniatures are great hosts. I'll definitely state that.
They're friendly. Inviting. It's useful to pick up stuff at the same time. And there's been the opportunity to meet other gamers in the area, on the occasions I've been there.

Thanks for the kind words too Roy. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


My (tiny) contribution to the game - just the three Union infantry brigades, representing troops of Sickle's III Corps. Everything else is Deedles (Dave's).

Mentioned that Bren had bought some Tripods on Saturday. He's converted them (extending the legs) and painted them up, basing them on textured sea bases. I've seen some quick photo's of them facing off against a model of HMS Rodney and they look really good. Bren wants to stage some better photos, a true battle scene or something, and has agreed/allowed for me to post them up on the forum.
Rimmer: "Aliens."

Lister: "Oh God, aliens... Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it?

Rimmer: "Well, we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did?"

Lister: "Rimmer, aliens used our bog roll?"


Quote from: streetgang on 20 April 2024, 08:49:23 PMMan that looks like a blast. How do you like the Altar of Freedom rules? Being on the other side of the Atlantic with as much as I love 10mm, I can only imagine how fun playing a game at Pendraken would be.

Yes; I would be interested in your views on the rules.  Everyone I know (about five individuals, including an ACW specialist) have said that the rules are unplayable as written and need major adjustments to make them usable.  Units are said to boomerang backwards & forwards and inflicting casualties is very difficult.  Everyone agrees it is an interesting and nice system!  So, how was it for you?