Anglo-Martian war and uniforms?

Started by ingw0, 19 April 2024, 09:14:05 AM

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Big Insect

I think the pill-box hats with chin straps would probably be most suitable - keeps the head-gear on in a lower gravity environment. The great coats are probably a good idea as well - as it's a bit 'chilly' on Mars, especially at night.

My favorite item of British 'Victorian' military headgear are the bright scarlet painted, plumed, brass helmets used for some of the Turkish Brigade artillery (& also in India) towards the end of the Crimean War. Also the Bell-topped shako used in Afghanistan and China (Opium Wars).

Lots of lovely and very diverse options
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

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Quote from: d_Guy on 19 April 2024, 04:10:07 PMIf you ever get to doing the Martian opposition force don't forget their troops from the western slopes of Olympus Mons. They were unique in wearing variegated tube socks of orange, red and tawny. I think  :-\

Don't forget though that if you field their elite Guards regiment one of the socks has to be in plain argent. ( According to Mike Starmer it is normally either the right or centre foot)
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


An excellent point, Orcs. From time out of memory the Guards wore the silver on the centre appendage (the marfang). Sometime in the 17th dynasty, it came to pass that their colonel had an unfortunate accident which greatly diminished his marfang (some say removed it altogether). At the next parade, out of deference to that beloved officer, the entire regiment turned out with the silver on the right. And so it is to this day according to Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition.
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The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Thankyou all for your most informative (not to mention hilarious) responses; I feel like I have plenty to go on now and, as many of you have said, there's plenty of freedom about who and what can be fielded. My favourite headwear I think is the old pork pie hat as most of the old photos I remember seeing growing up depicted Victorian soldiers wearing those, and they feel so iconic (maybe not quite as much as the bearskin, but not far off), meaning the Indian Mutiny figs I've had my eye on might be most suitable. I imagine I'll most likely end up mixing and matching for a bit of fun, though.

Current projects include:
Age of Steam Danish; Arthurians; ECW regiment of foote; Great War British; Middle Earth in 10mm; Napoleonic Austrians & Bavarians; Ratsburg pike and shotte; WW2 Defenders of France; WW2 8th Army


The Indian Mutiny figures are very nice, ironically the Infantry in Home Service dress are one of the packs I didn't use for my project. I went with campaign dress
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