February Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 21 February 2024, 11:26:29 PM

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Welcome to the latest Pendraken newsletter!

Thank you to everyone for waiting a little longer while we caught up on all of the orders from December, we appreciate your patience.  The casting guys have cleared everything up to 20th January so we're catching up now.  This month's newsletter is just a quick update, so let's get to it!

Next pair of Sci-Fi ranges released!

We're ploughing ahead with our Sci-Fi expansion with the next two ranges now available!  This batch contains the Human Corporate and Human Theological factions, both using anti-grav technology.  These packs are all structured to provide a unit/base worth of figures, aside from the infantry that come in larger packs.  The vehicles include driver/commander torsos too, to add a bit of extra detail.

All of the new ranges are on our website and available here.

Pendraken Painting Competition 2024!

We're over halfway through the Pendraken Painting Competition 2024 and we've had some excellent entries so far!

Don't forget that the deadline is midnight on Thursday 29th February and we'll then open up the voting threads for everyone to decide our winners.  You can take a look at all of the current entries, as well as the entry rules and prizes, over on our Forum here.

More Raiden 1:285th Aircraft available!

We've had another set of new Raiden 1:285th aircraft releases over from the States, mostly containing WWII Soviet kit with the Yak-1/7/9 and Pe-2 now available.  They've also added the Wild Weasel version of the F-100F too.  These can all be found in the Raiden section of our website here.

Hammerhead pre-orders!

This is your last call for any pre-orders for Hammerhead!  The deadline for these is midnight on Friday so make sure to get them over to us in time.  This is always a great show so we hope to see some of you there.  Orders can be placed through our website using the Collect at Show delivery option.

Important Dates

Sat 2nd March - Hammerhead, Newark - https://www.hammerheadshow.co.uk/
Sun 17th March - WMMS, Wolverhampton - http://www.alumwellwargames.co.uk/
Sat 13th April - Salute, London - https://southlondonwarlords.co.uk/salute-1
Sat 4th May - Carronade, Falkirk - http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/
Sun 19th May - Partizan, Newark - https://www.partizan.org.uk/
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!