Advice on SCW figures for VBCW

Started by sunjester, 22 February 2011, 08:17:02 PM

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I've been looking at the SCW lists for figures suitable for my VBCW forces. However, not being very familiar with the various terminology of the SCW uniforms/equipment I'm a bit lost without actually seeing the minis. :-\ :o :'(

Can anyone shed any light as to which of the SCW range would not look out of place in 1938 Britain?


republic of tolworth

If I can russle up some time I'll have a look at some of the codes I've got for my VBCW stuff.

But of top of my head.
Carlists are pretty good for any troops you want with berets, eg the 'cherry tarts' of the Anglicans
Guardia de asalto I use these as all sorts, 'cos of the peaked/flat 'at.
International brigade is again pretty good for lots of factions.

WW1 inf and ww2 inf are good for most organised forces.

French are good for Anglican and such like.

ww1 germans are good for facist forces or troops with the Irish vickers helmet. Incuding the Irish units in the LFS.

Actualy most of the ww1 and ww2 ranges are ripe to plunder! 8) :D

However we wait to see what loverly things snafu comes up with for us ;) ;) :D

League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


I'm planning on using petty much what Republic has listed for my own VBCW forces.

The SCW Guardia de Asalto are great for railway workers militia.

For the British Army, I'm using a mix of WW1 caps and helmets for the Territorials, and WW2 BEF for the Regular Army Units.




22 February 2011, 11:16:15 PM #3 Last Edit: 22 February 2011, 11:27:12 PM by Hurrah
I'm starting with a rabble of militia

When you are looking at the International Brigaders,


Is a Pasamontaña, the nearest English term for it is balaclava (with a peak), see the smaller clickable photos to the right for it folded down (if you are English Civil War orientated, it is a modern montero!, If you are WW2 oriented, it's a US jeep cap and balaclava combined or German mountain cap with almost no peak!)

There is some more useful images and terms explained here

The peak is barely noticeable on the figures, it could be a working mans woolly hat with the right paint job (or one pass of a needle file, or a sharp, small knife can make the peak disappear all together!).

Those in Adrians would likely Suit the Anglican league.

The columna duritti, their caps are more like US Yukon/hunting caps (may suit American volunteers).

I'd venture that troops in the isabelino cap, or Italians in their bustinas (same sort of cap) would suit BUF militias and legionaries (I've not got there yet, only just had my first figures arrive).

I do game with the republic of tolworth, he has painted WW1 Germans in picklehubes (on which the late Victorian British home serviced helmet was based)as police, it works very well. I was considering Sudan/boer war British in their taller pith helmets for similar. Boers with their 'cronje/slouch hats' would likely suit as well.

From the Indo-china range, VM3 Tu Ve, rifle, scarf, bareheaded, walking, would work very well.

Obviously WW1 British (caps and Helmets) for more regular forces, I've not seen the WW1 Australian light horse,  but I'd venture that if wearing the classic slouch hat they would fit, unless they are wearing shorts. Any of the armoured cars for the WW1 Middle east range (most are there).

Oh And Republic of Tolworth! I've had those aircraft arrive. They have the right look (Biplane, but not obviously WW1) even if they need a paint job!  (  about half way down the page! see items War Planes Vol. 6, items 91 and 92 for the full horror of the paint schemes). We will soon have aircover and ground attack capability.


republic of tolworth

Think we need to draw up a list of what we'ed want for AVBCW.
Seems to work for AWI :)
League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


Quote from: republic of tolworth on 27 February 2011, 08:44:40 PM
Think we need to draw up a list of what we'ed want for AVBCW.
Seems to work for AWI :)

Oh no... not more lists...!

Actually Dave bought a book at Cavalier today: "Armoured Vehicles 1914-1941" (or something like that, I was trying to serve customers while he was reading it!  :D)  But I noticed there are a lot of VBCW type bits and bobs in there... - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: republic of tolworth on 27 February 2011, 08:44:40 PM
Think we need to draw up a list of what we'ed want for AVBCW.
Seems to work for AWI :)

Sounds like a good idea :D

Obviously some things are already in the pipeline, such as BUF I believe, so a list of such  things would e helpful.

Vehicles are fairly well covered, though with a few missing items - Vickers Medum Mk II, and the American inter-war T1E2 are two I'd like to see. Also the tea van (mentioned elsewhere) and 1930's comercial vehicles.

Most people, myself included, seem to be struggling with milita that look typically British ........ cloth caps, trilbys, and a mix of civilian and military clothing.
