WW2 German Zeltbahn/Smock Models

Started by Bradeh, 06 December 2023, 06:15:15 PM

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Hey everyone, new to Pendraken minis. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify which infantry models have the zeltbahn/camo smocks on as it's hard for me to see. Thanks.


I've had a look and am struggling to spot any in Zeltbahns. I do have the odd one wearing Zelts in my collection - but I suspect not from Pendraken. 

As for smocks much harder to tell - GRF67, 68 and 69 look possible. 

Be careful what you wish for my FJ are stalled due to the need to paint the camo on their jump smocks  ;)
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Thanks, I noticed how some other mini ranges distinguishes their early war Germans with mid/late by having lots of camo hats/zeltbahns so was just wondering the differences here.