Britcon 2023 - 12/13 August, Nottingham, FREE Entry

Started by madaxeman, 02 August 2023, 08:56:28 PM

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02 August 2023, 08:56:28 PM Last Edit: 02 August 2023, 09:01:35 PM by madaxeman

If you are in the wider Nottingham area and aren't busy gaming next weekend you may wish to pop into the The Britcon (mostly.. but not entirely) historical tabletop gaming show, which takes place in the heart of Nottingham over the weekend of 12-13 August, at Nottingham Trent Uni's City Campus (next to the Theatre Royal, in Shakespear Street).   

There's a FREE trade show, a Bring & Buy, an onsite bar, loads of competition games, a free-play gaming room, almost 40 traders selling a huge range of figures, paints, scenery and other wargaming "stuff" (OK, I was too scared to try and spell "paraphenalia"), and also a load of demo and particpation games too - details of which have all just been confirmed and are available on the BHGS website   

Full details are at

(PS - did we say it's FREE to attend the trae show on Saturday & Sunday 12-13th ?)

After a lengthy and sophisticated programme of research the BHGS boffins have also identified the possibility that many wargamers visiting #Britcon do quite like a pint.

So this year we've made one ourselves!

OK, our friends at Nottingham's own Castle Rock Brewerery have done the complicated stuff, but even so we are delighted to bring you Britcon Ale, an easy-drinking full flavoured best red bitter, well-rounded with some residual sweetness (like many of our players TBH..) and balanced with resinous hop character.

​Brewed using 5 malts and two hops for a great balance, this 4.4% Britcon Ale is available only until the barrel runs dry!

Britcon Ale: only available onsite at #Britcon on Saturday 12th August (while stocks last!)
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Ben Waterhouse

Arma Pacis Fulcra