Rules for a small table

Started by Leman, 08 August 2023, 09:16:46 AM

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I have a lovely sturdy German dining table; unfortunately, although 6' long it is only 3' wide. However, I am using rules which work with a smaller table size. For the C19th I am using either Neil Thomas' Wargaming C19th Europe, or Peter Pig's FPW variant for Square Bashing, which now comes in two varieties, ie. originally Walter Schnaffs, but a variant on that has also very recently appeared, called Krupp Bashing. Here is a Krupp Bashing game in progress. The field is 4x3:

The other set I use is for the SYW, Honours of War. It was written with 28mm figures in mind, but also has adjusted playsheets for different figure scales. I actually use the 15mm scale with my 10mm figures, as this gives a 3x2 field. My 10mm armies do not look lost on this and it gives an excellent SYW/WAS game. The rules are well suppoerted on the Honours of War website, including guides for adapting to the WSS, Jacobite Rebellion and the AWI.

The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Good looking games. "Small is beautiful!"
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Steve J

I find HoW works perfectly well on a dining room table, using the 10mm distances. More than enough room to manouevre and not hurt your back in reaching figures mid table! The same with BPII using cm's instead of inches. I have played some fun BKCII games on a 2' x 2' table too, as long as you have plenty of terrain to block lines of sight etc.