Carronade 2023

Started by Ithoriel, 14 May 2023, 05:42:43 PM

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Having planned and prepared for a visit to the show yesterday it was inevitable that, as one not noted for either planning or preparation*, nothing went to plan!

Didn't feel well overnight, resulting in about two hours sleep being had. Still felt dodgy when the alarm went off at 7am so pottered around at home until I decided I wasn't going to be spectacularly sick on the one hour bus journey to the show and left an hour later than intended.

Arrived at the bus stop a couple of minutes before the bus was due, to see it vanishing into the distance. Waited for the next bus which was due thirty minutes later .... but never turned up. Eventually caught the bus after that, which was about ten minutes late. So, already over two hours later than intended and still not in the finest of fettle I walked from the bus stop to the door of the school where the show is held. To remember that we were to enter by the door at the other end .... that I'd walked past the access to several minutes before.

Finally arrived at the proper entrance two hours and twenty one minutes later than intended, paid my entry fee, took the proffered MDF token (makes a pleasant change from wrist bands) to add to my collection and sauntered .... alright, alright staggered ... in.

So, no photos this year. Too busy trying not to spend money I don't have on things I don't need and chatting to people. Oh, OK! Mainly chatting to people. :)

Carronade seemed to me to be back to it's pre-pandemic self. Busy, but not so packed as to make moving about difficult. The show is spread over two large halls, a large hallway and two classrooms so there's plenty of space. The traders I spoke to seemed happy with the level of business they were doing, always a good sign IMHO.

Lots of nice games being played but without my usual aide memoire of photos I'm not able to remember who was playing what.

My haul of goodies included a single pot of paint from Pendraken, did manage to catch up briefly with both Leon and Adele though. I noted that when I saw them, channelling his inner Dave, Leon was off liaising with other traders while Adele was doing all the work. :)

Mighty Minis provided me with a Geothermal Exchanger and ideas for several other items they do. Nominally a 6mm Battletech terrain item it will do nicely as 20mm scenery.

I collected a pre-show order of MDF and acrylic bases from Warbases and inevitably picked up more 2mm Antonine Miniatures items from their stall. A fort, some elephants (to make the skirmish lines my main unit can split into) and another pack of their Republican Roman Legion which will make two more Legions and some Auxilia the way I do my bases. Not sure what the Auxiliaries option in the army list is intended to represent so may have to think about colours for them for a while. Since I'm looking at gaming in Gaul perhaps Massiliot troops or co-opted sailors.

Got a couple of Chibi figures which I thought were from Iron Gate Scenery but I can't find them on their website. :(

Last, but by no means least, I picked up some of the smaller 28mm items that 4A do to act as slightly larger 20mm scale critters.

Looking out of the bus window at the Scottish landscape bathed in unaccustomed sunshine undoubtedly improved the trip there and back!

All in all, despite the start to the day, well worth going and very enjoyable. I intend to be back next year.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Sounds good.

I missed the show this year.
No pressing "must have" shopping necessities.
I'm also more prone to travel fatigue after surgery last year.

I hope to be back next year.


Nice to see you yesterday Mike and glad you got home safely.  We enjoyed it too, sales were a little slower than expected but ticked over for most of the day, and it was great to catch up some people that we've not seen since pre-Covid. 

There were some really nice games in our hall as well, I should have taken some pics of them! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Sounds like a good time was (eventually) had by all :)
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: Ithoriel on 14 May 2023, 05:42:43 PMGot a couple of Chibi figures which I thought were from Iron Gate Scenery but I can't find them on their website. :(

They have a license to print from Hero forge and I think the chibi figures they had on the (looked like a cake stand) were next to the sign saying about Hero Forge.