Le Poilu

Started by CorvetteK225, 13 February 2011, 01:40:38 PM

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Here is a test figure I was tinkering with yesteday. He is figure F19: Infantry helmet gas mask

I also posted him on a second blog that I started for WWI specific content.  http://bdusergentrochette.blogspot.com/  With WWI being my favorite era, I wanted to segregate it from my other blog.

I tried to keep the same style as my Bersaglieri with highlight paints and shadow washes. I'm sure, the second and subsequent figures will be a bit cleaner. Again, he is another wonderful sculpt by Pendraken.



Good clean work there, well done.   8)
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Agreed - very nicely done  8)


Thanks for the kind words. I think the dynamics of the pose is one of the best executed of the Pendraken figures in my lead pile. His kit is a little off but still a stunning sculpt. I sure wouldn't mind some more varied poses of the gas masked Poilu but, I figure that some head transplants will quickly meet my wants. I can't wait 'til I have a table full of the little blue men!



What ruleset will you be running? Just so I can put another potential project on the list to be done after SYW...


The call on rules is a toss up. I'm really interested in using "The Great War". If not, an adapted version of BKC. They are both different gaming scales but I think I can squeek by and use one basing system for both. I will go with BKC recommended basing from version 1 book. about five figures on 50cm frontage. Items like a Chauchat will be based on only a specific quantity of stands so they are distinguishable for TGW.
