Where to begin (League of Augsburg figures)

Started by Phaid_Knott, 17 February 2023, 05:07:12 PM

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Hello all,

I'm looking for an excuse to purchase a load of Clibinarium's excellent LoA figures, but I'm completely unknowledgeable on the period. I purchased "Every Bullet has it's Billet"by Barry Hilton as a primer to the period, but I need to dig a little deeper into probably the fringe elements of the period to wargame.

Basically I LOVE games with "crap" armies, I love the (rather drastic) ebb and flow of those unstable battlefield units and the chaos it brings to our games. I'm a bit of a refugee from the AWI period as one army is classed as being (shall we say) "not very good", while the other one is usually classed as excellent (containing Guards units etc). The main issue being I find my favourite games are replaying battles and using the OOBs of the day, yet nearly every AWI ruleset we've tried it's almost impossible to repeat a Continental victory using those OOBs of the day. But rules aside (I. going off on a bit of a tangent here), I looking for a theatre where BOTH armies could be classed as being "crap" (pardon the language).

So that's GNW out, and most of the theatres/battles in Ireland/Northern Europe. I'm thinking probably I need to start looking at actions around Southern Europe in the period (probably with French and Spanish forces "somewhere" involved), so was there anything going on around Italy perhaps?

Probably a weird request for information for the forum (we aren't really involved in tourneys or "free range" pointed army lists), but we do enjoy our refights using the OOBs (even although we probably only ever finish 10% of the battles after a full weekend of gaming :D ). But I hoping someone here might have a start point for me to dig into (along with any book recommendations and sources of OOBs), for me to get into and buy a load of what can only be called "the finest" sculpted 10mm figures I've ever seen. 

Steve J

Welcome on board! Whilst not an expert on the period, I can recommend Barry's Beneath the Lily Banners: The War of the Three Kings as a set of rules that captures the period perfectly. I'm sure with them you could tweak as required for 'crap' armies, but IIRC the conflict in Ireland has this happening too.


How about first year ACW?  Basically all militia.


Welcome Phaid_Knott :-h

I'm not knowledgeable enough of the period to offer assistance but I admire your approach :)

We use a Wing scale variant of Volley & Bayonet for AWI and they give very historic results
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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Welcome to the forum. This is not a period I am very familiar with, but i am sure someone with far mor knowledge will be along soo to answer your question
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


I play in some obscure eras and theatres.

I filled out the majority of my VoC (Dutch East India Company) contingents with the range.

The figures bear enough similarity to contemporary paintings of VoC men partying "in theatre".
There's a bit of a Rembrandt's Nightwatch to them too with the wide brimmed hats.

They are beautifully sculpted, and in sufficient variety to fill out a number of roles.


Glad you like the figures. I would echo what people have said about the BLB stable of stuff, its the best way into the period (full disclosure- Barry at Warfare Minis is one of my major clients so I may be a bit biased).

Two crap armies? I think that's a hard dynamic to find. You might have to look at peripheral conflicts where second-rate troops are pitted against each other. Maybe the French vs the Savoyards? Probably not fair to label as crap, but not the main show.
I think "War of the Three Kings" has scenarios that make the Irish campaign fairly evenly matched.


Quote from: Orcs on 17 February 2023, 07:11:26 PMWelcome to the forum. This is not a period I am very familiar with, but i am sure someone with far mor knowledge will be along soo to answer your question

And 6 others with no knowledge of the period will follow along to derail the thread! ;D

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Hmmm looks like a big ask here. Perhaps there's a LoA specific forum somewhere that might have people in the "know". Any ideas anyone?

...and thanks to all that took the time to respond. I know that the Ottomans were out there on the Eastern parts of Europe at the time and were fighting the Hungarians etc (they would fill the concept of being "crap", well apart form the Janissaries), but Clib hasn't done them yet :(

I'm amazed there doesn't seem to be anything going in (internally) in Italy, as the area seem prone to internal strife both before and after this period.


Quote from: Phaid_Knott on 22 February 2023, 05:30:05 AMPerhaps there's a LoA specific forum somewhere that might have people in the "know". Any ideas anyone?

Barry Hilton has his own forum for the period and his rules/figures: https://www.leagueofaugsburg.com/fightingtalk/index.php so the guys there will be able to help.
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www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!