BBB Bash Day IV - Leeds, 1 July 2023

Started by Chris Pringle, 04 February 2023, 01:25:19 AM

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Chris Pringle

The fourth Bloody Big Battles BASH DAY convention will be held in Leeds on Saturday 1 July 2023. This is deliberately planned to be in conjunction with the Joy of Six show run by Baccus in Sheffield on Sunday 2 July. Treat yourself to an epic wargaming weekend in Yorkshire!

Full details on the BBBBlog here.


Ow local to me too, thanks for the heads up as I very well may come to this and The Joy Of Six!

Chris Pringle

Well it would be grand to meet you there!


Chris Pringle

Bash Day update – 11 March 2023

Dear All

Here is the latest update for BBB Bash Day, 09:00-17:00, 1st July 2023, at
Leeds Wargames Club, Hicks Hall, 60 Bankfield Terrace, Burley, Leeds LS4 2JR.

1.   Dedicated email.  We've set up an email for booking the BBB Bash day.  The address is:
2.   We are now opening the sign up lists for games – just send an email and we'll add you to a game.  As this is early, everyone should get their first choice.  We'll book people in to the morning session unless notified otherwise. (The idea is that each game should be run twice, morning and afternoon.)
3.   We're pleased to announce that Bruce McCallum will be bringing his 28mm Zulu game.  Chris Pringle recently provided an AAR on the "Bloody Big Battles" blog.  Bruce is offering Isandlwana or Nyezane.  It looks fun!

List of games so far:
Napoleonic – Lutzen (1813) (this may change)
Anglo Sikh War – Gujrat (1849)
Crimean War – Inkerman
ACW – 2nd Manassas
ACW – Chancellorsville
Austro-Prussian War – Kissingen
Franco-Prussian – Sedan
Zulu War – Isandlwana or Nyezane

We still have room for more games, so if you are thinking of hosting a game, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We trust that this is clear. If not, let us know. Please sign up now!


Chris and Colin
Bleeding Big Bash Day Team

Chris Pringle

Six weeks to go until BBB Bash Day in Leeds on Saturday 1 July, the day before Joy of Six in Sheffield. Sign up for a game now or just turn up on the day! Full details on the BBBBlog:

Chris Pringle

Well, that was a splendid day, indeed a splendid weekend. Colin has done a blog post about it here:
I believe Pendraken figures are in action on the Kissingen (1866) table.

My own report here: