October Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 14 October 2022, 10:03:03 PM

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Welcome to the latest Pendraken newsletter!

We're in the middle of 7 shows in 12 weekends at the moment so things are a little busy at Pendraken HQ!  There are also postal strikes in the UK currently so if you've placed an order recently please allow a little longer for us to get it cast up and posted out.

But for now, we've got new releases, new previews and more, so read on!

Peninsular buildings released!

After the release of the figure ranges earlier in the summer it's now time to add the Peninsular buildings from our project too, made by the talented John at Ironclad Miniatures.  The Mediterranean style is useful across most of southern Europe, from the 18th century through the Peninsular War to the Spanish Civil Wars and beyond.

These can all be found on our website here.

We're now stocking Battlescale's buildings!

Keeping to a scenery theme, after admiring  them from afar for a long time we're very pleased to announce that we're now stocking the excellent 10mm buildings from Battlescale!

We've had the first batch through from Steve which covers about half of his 10mm ranges, and then we'll be adding the second lot in the next week or so.  These buildings are great quality, well cast and match up nicely with our figure ranges.

You can find the first set of releases on our website here.

Cold War Commander tokens and templates!

Cold War Commander 2 has sold over 1000 copies since launch and is proving very popular with both existing and new gamers!  To help you get a bit more out of your games, we've released a selection of gaming aids including tokens for Suppression and Deployment and templates for all of your off-table support.

These are all in the Cold War Commander section of the website here.

And don't forget that all of the CWC-2 army lists are free to download from our Forum here.

Russo-Japanese range previewed!

It's been a while since we've had many previews as we've been trying to get all of the older projects ticked off and released, but it's finally time for some new stuff!

Our existing Russo-Japanese range is both small and old, so not ideal for much of anything really.  This new range is a complete overhaul with more troop types and more poses, opening up this conflict for some proper games as well as some useful proxy options too.

So head over to the Forum and have a look at all of the sculpts here.

Pre-orders for shows!

With so many shows at the moment please make sure to place your pre-orders at least 7 days in advance of your chosen event.  We'll be doing our best to keep our show stocks up but ordering in advance is always the best way to ensure you get what you're looking for.

For those in the London area, we'll be making our return to SELWG this weekend so please come along and say hello.  After that we've got Fiasco at the end of the month before we return to the south for Warfare on the 2nd weekend of November.  All of the show dates can be found below.

Important Dates

Sun 16th October - SELWG in London (pre-orders by Fri 7th Oct)
Sun 30th October - Fiasco in Leeds (pre-orders by Fri 21st Oct)
Sat 12th/Sun 13th November - Warfare in Farnborough (pre-orders by Fri 4th Nov)
Sat 26th November - Battleground in Stockton (pre-orders by Fri 18th Nov)

That's it for another month!  Upcoming releases include a whole load of M3 halftracks as well as some more modern Russian IFV's.  For WWII gamers we'll have some revamped Pz Is and IIs, plus whatever else we can get done in time!
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!