Border Reiver 2022

Started by Heedless Horseman, 21 September 2022, 08:34:58 AM

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Heedless Horseman

Just looking to see how it went? I had intended a visit but other issues intervened.
I would have liked a wander around... but would NOT have been buying, (LOL!)'.  ;)  I have Far more stuff in various scales/periods of metal and plastic plus scenics, than I can ever hope to get to use... and have actually 'done' Very little on painting, etc. for about 4 years!  :( Just a very small amount of conversion work... put aside before completion.  :( 
I could, very likely, have filled a Stand bigger than 3-4 Trade Stands!  :o  ;)
Hope others enjoyed.  :)
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)


My Ego forbids a signature.


there is also a video someone kindly posted on You tube 

I thought it was relatively quiet although since I am comparing to Colours and Vapnertak that's probably unfair as its much more a local show. Always nice to see tables with toys though and I particularly liked the aircraft on a "fields from above" map. 

Having driven up 350 miles to Sunderland visiting the "in laws" for the weekend, Plan A was to pop into a well known emporium in Middlesborough on the Monday on the way back.  Then some other contemporary event meant that would be shut on Monday so I just had to excuse myself to go see the Pendraken stand at the show to give the relatives time to catch up privately.   

I dont think Leon will be retiring on the profit from the army pack I bought but it might just cover the cost of petrol from Pendraken Towers to gateshead.   :D


Quotethere is also a video someone kindly posted on You tube 

An excellently edited video; very informative.

Heedless Horseman

Well, wish I could have gone. Some nice tables and some intriguing stands.
Certainly seems quieter than in some previous years, but plenty of tables.
Nice Vid above.
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)


Hi , think the video was done quite late in the day (a few had packed up/were packing up) It was a pretty busy morning then a quiet afternoon. All goodthough.