The Rus in ADLG action from Reading

Started by madaxeman, 31 August 2022, 10:13:08 PM

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One of the great beauties about L'Art de la Guerre is the way the shorter game time (about 2.5 hours) means you can fit 3 games into a day. It sounds fairly minor, but a 3-round Swiss Draw tournament is just, well, a lot, lot more "meaty" than a 2-round one would be - but without imposing so many games on you that a poor army design could leave you cursing the protracted pain of facing a series of lengthy drawn out defeats either.

The recent Reading-based 1-dayer ticked all of those boxes with a theme of "the World of the Rus and Vikings" - armies with a connection to either of these peoples, in the form of a historical antipathy or conflict, a mention in the army list notes, or an allied contingent of either of the two.

I however went full Zelensky on this one, and chose a Rus army with no allies at all, a simple list chosen mainly as it was as close as I could get to using all of the lockdown-rebased Rus spearmen I owned all on table together whilst not totally ignoring the "good" options in the overall design.

That did mean a lot of spearmen - an often-unloved troop type who are nevertheless superb in the right circumstances. And, of course, how could I forget, a chance yet again to deploy the age-old groan-inducing Rus Abbot punchline against three unwary opponents!

All three Bella Emberg-free reports from this event are now online as the Rus take on the Carolingians, the Vikings and the Thematic Byzantine Empire in these fully illustrated and statistic rich reports.
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Well done on winning the tournament! Gives my Rus some hope.... I tend to have my Druzhina as HC, but it looks like the Elite HF is a better option?

Big Insect

I also agree with that comment Dave - having 4 x HF spearmen, armoured elite + 4 x Huscarls is a significant level of 'punch' to the v.4 Rus army.

Tim resisting taking all the mounted options (other than a single Pechneg LC bow) was a brave move (show of faith), but it certainly paid off.

Just going to prove that old Russian saying (from Lenin but often quoted by Stalin) that "quantity has a quality all of its own".  :D
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

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