Colours 2022

Started by mollinary, 08 September 2022, 04:28:54 PM

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Simon Miller and I will putting on our Roundway Down 1643 game at Colours on Saturday. 28mm this time, but I will have some of the smaller guys to show people as well!  Hope to see some of you there, it is always one of my favourite shows, and this year it is FREE to get in. How much lighter your wallets will be when you get out again may be another matter!  Pendraken will be there, after all.
2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


QuoteSimon Miller and I will putting on our Roundway Down 1643 game at Colours on Saturday. 28mm this time, but I will have some of the smaller guys to show people as well!  Hope to see some of you there, it is always one of my favourite shows, and this year it is FREE to get in. How much lighter your wallets will be when you get out again may be another matter!  Pendraken will be there, after all.

Great.  A show I have enjoyed in the past but am busy elsewhere this year. Will you be repeating it at WARFARE in November?

Steve J

Hope to see you there on Saturday :) .

Chris Pringle

I will be one of the crew on the Oxford Wargames Society's BBB display/participation game of the battle of Pakozd (1848) to mark publication of the Hungarian War of Independence scenario book.

Looking forward to meeting a few Forum members there!



Just ordered it here in the US.

Steve J

I wonder if the show will go ahead given the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the period of mourning we are now in? Apparently all football events are going to be postponed this weekend and there is no play in the 3rd test today.

Steve J

Their Facebook page says it is going ahead, unless Newbury racecourse cancels all events. An update when the racecourse opens today.



As the government guidance is that events etc. can occur as normal the decision as to whether to cancel/close is down to individual organisations.  It's entirely understandable that different groups/venues jump different ways.

All being well I am planning to drive over to Colours tomorrow.


Steve J

The venue has also confirmed that it going ahead as planned.


10 September 2022, 07:11:18 PM #10 Last Edit: 10 September 2022, 08:52:49 PM by mollinary
Exhausted after a superb day at Colours. Roundway Down was surrounded with folk interested in the ECW, the rules, and the battle, from start to finish. Astonished by the number of people who came up to say, I live a couple of miles away from the field, and walk it regularly! Devizes must have been empty today. It was great to talk to so many people, and it made the day a real success in my view. So many knowledgeable people in the hobby, so many nice people. A real joy. Many thanks to Newbury and Reading for their superb organisation in trying circumstances, and their invaluable help in getting all our stuff up to the second floor, and getting it back down again!
2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!

Steve J

Great to be at the show again and didn't get chance to speak with you as you were busy chatting each time I passed by, which was good to see. A lovely display of 10mm and 6mm figures too at the front of your game.


Great to hear it went so well Mollinary =D>  =D>  =D>
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Steve J

A report on the show and some thoughts on the day can be found on my Blog:

It was pretty busy and hopefully the traders had a very good day, as even when I left a 2.00pm it still seemed busy on the ground floor.


Thanks for that Steve, great report. Good you met up with Keith.
I was going to go, right up to a couple of days before, when plans all fell through  :(

Good to have a view of what I missed. Sounds like I would have enjoyed it.

Your purchasing self control does you credit!