2mm figures for use with 1/1200 ships

Started by Sunray, 22 August 2022, 11:03:08 PM

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Quote from: Sunray on 16 September 2022, 11:12:49 AMWhen it comes to aircraft, we could do with a few more from Irregular!

Tumbling Dice 1/600 ?


Quote from: hammurabi70 on 17 September 2022, 09:24:08 PMTumbling Dice 1/600 ?

Way too big. What I really want is what's done by Thomaston.

pierre the shy

"Bomps a daisy....it's enough to make you weep!"


Quote from: pierre the shy on 18 September 2022, 09:03:19 AMIf you want really small scale aircraft that are more than "blobs" what about these as ideas Sunray?

https://us.warlordgames.com/collections/victory-at-sea-imperial-japanese/products/victory-at-sea-ijn-aircraft - 1/1800 scale

https://www.ghqmodels.com/collections/1-2400-scale/era_wwii+ship-type_aircraft - 1/2400 scale

Thanks for this. I had a look via the links you kindly provided, but alas even smaller than Air Cap 1/1200 and very rich in costs.
Then the late Teddy Petter came to my salvation.  I have a memory of being shoehorned into his sleek little Folland Gnat - My RAF host apologised "Its like a Glasgow tenement - no ballroom!"

The Gnat was a mere 28ft long. Even in 1/600 from Tumble Dice it will fit with my 2mm. With a little clipping and filing it will proxy for other types. Way to go- other shrunk aircraft like the Brewster Buffalo.


The 2mm Irregular range as a poor generic style tracked APC. By comparsion the wheeled BTR60 type is a decent model.

For a tracked APC the Oddzial SPz11 "Kurz" in 1/600 - a diminutive model in any scale, will proxy well as a 10 man battle taxi at the smaller scale.