Scratch-built Tents

Started by DHautpol, 17 April 2023, 03:17:57 PM

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I had been meaning to acquire some tents for my 10mm collections for some while and wanted a design which could be used for the period 1640s through to 1860s.  I settled on the traditional "bell-tent" as being the most visually satisfying version.  A search of the internet revealed that these were in very limited availability in 10mm size; Leon's offerings being some of the few available.  However, as I wanted at least a dozen and didn't want the "dropped" version, I decided that DIY was the way to go.

Bell Tents

I tinkered about on paper with different sizes and pitches for the angle of the canopies and eventually settled on a 30mm diameter for the base section, the wall, and a 50° pitch for the canopy, which would make the finished tents around 25mm in height.  A canopy radius of 28mm gives a decent overhang.

I used the cardboard boxes from some M&S and Sainsbury cartons.  Draw a 14mm radius circle and divide it into 18 segments, each being 20°, 12 segments will form the canopy, 1 segment provides the tab for gluing and the remaining segments are discarded.

I cut out the canopies with a sharp scalpel blade and cut the outside edges of the segments straight across. I then scored along the edges between each segment, which gives a faceted finish to the tents rather than smooth cones.  Fold the segments along the scored lines so that the tab tucks underneath the end segment.  Spread a little PVA glue on to the tab and hold in place with a paperclip.

I chose to have a 5mm wall for the tents and cut strips of card about 5mm x 105mm; the 30mm diameter for each tent means 30mm x π, which comes to about 94/95mm, plus up to another 10mm for a tab.  Glue the tab with PVA and secure with a paperclip.

When everything is thoroughly dry, apply a generous ring of PVA around the inside of each canopy where the wall will attach.  Getting the canopies to sit squarely atop the walls is fiddlier than sounds and some of mine have a slight tilt.  Also ensure that the joins in the canopies match up with the joins in the walls, as these will represent the entrance flaps.  This didn't occur to me straight away, so a few of mine do not match up neatly.  When the glue has dried, apply another generous amount of PVA, for good measure, and allow to dry completely.

Ridge Tents

For these I used some off-cuts of 25mm blue Styrofoam. Cut some blocks L25mm x H25mm x W25mm.  Measure 5mm for the walls and cut at 45° to give the ridge.  Cut a piece of card to 25mm x 27mm and scallop the short edges freehand with a scalpel to suggest where the guy-ropes are attached.  Fold the card and glue to the Styrofoam base, making sure that you have an overlap both back and front.  I did, briefly, consider whether to add guy-ropes to all the tents but decided that it would be madness to attempt it in 10mm.


The paints used are all Games Workshop, so please excuse the odd names.

The white tents are painted Administratum Grey, with, successively, a dry-brush of thinned Ulthuan Grey, a dry-brush of thinned Corax White and, finally, a dry-brush of thinned White Scar. Play about with the layers of paint until you're satisfied with the look; emphasising the ridges gives a pleasing effect. Add the gap for the flaps with Mechanicus Standard Grey.

The beige tents are painted Karak Stone, with, successively, a dry-brush of thinned Ushabti Bone, a dry-brush of thinned Wraithbone and, finally, a dry-brush of thinned White Scar. Again, play about with the layers of paint until you're satisfied with the look. Add the gap for the flaps with Rhinox Hide.


Basing is down to individual taste and people's existing models; I used 1.5mm MDF.  The double bases are 100mm x 50mm and the single bases 50mm x 50mm.  I rounded the corners and bevelled the edges.  You will each have your own basing techniques.  I glued the tents down with PVA and when the glue had dried, I textured the bases with Mod-Podge.  When dry I added patches of fine sand glued with PVA and then depicted some undergrowth by gluing down some fine Cotswold grit.

The bases are painted with Dulux Tarragon Glory 2, and dry-brushed with Dulux Tarragon Glory 4 (or substitute).  The areas of bare earth are Farrow & Ball London Clay, dry-brushed with GW Zandri Dust and GW Ushabti Bone.  The undergrowth was washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and dry-brushed with GW Warpstone Glow (a dark green!).  Finally, I added a few tufts.
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2018 Painting Competition - 3 x Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Steve J

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Techno 3

I'll do this later


Thanks very much.

They were quite good fun to make and have started me off thinking about other projects.
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2018 Painting Competition - 3 x Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!