Camels (Dremedarii)

Started by steve_holmes_11, 22 June 2022, 12:48:17 PM

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A happy world camel day (June 22) to you all.

I shall be painting my TB line light camelry today - or at least the beasts.
Having looked at a lot of online photos I observe the following.

 * Camels come in a range of colours fomr pale cream to brown-ish sand.
 * The predominant colour is sand (a good basecoat).
 * A very pale grey undercoat works well with this.
 * Face, under neck, front legs and upper chest are lighter tone.
 * Ears, back centreline, back legs and rear abdomen are slightly darker.
 * Dark detail around nose, mouth and around eyes.

I hope to get the general look correct while providing a bit of variation in colour.
I also want to convert the riders with spears so they are carrying long jezzails.


Wot, no zamburaks? :)

Or, for more firepower there's always

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


More Assyrian propaganda.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.