Identify the hat on SCW2!

Started by Sean Clark, 23 April 2022, 12:02:10 PM

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Sean Clark

This is SCW2 Foot Walking from the Spanish Civil War range. It's from the regular army summer range.

I can't for the life of me work out what type of hat the figure is wearing. I've painted it as a form of cap in bland colours, but can't find any reference material to tell me what it is. It's not the isabelino with tassel from what I can make out. Can any of my more learned friends here enlighten me?

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Sean Clark

Possibly, but its actually quite 'boxy' looking on top.
God's Own Scale podcast


I think it might just be a bulky beret?  The sculptor would probably have listed it on his original notes but I'd need to dig those out! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

Sean Clark

That'll do me. I've painted it in neutral colours and it looks great. Just curious 😁
God's Own Scale podcast

Leon - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

John Cook

Quote from: Sean Clark on 23 April 2022, 12:02:10 PMThis is SCW2 Foot Walking from the Spanish Civil War range. It's from the regular army summer range.

SCW2 is in the uniform typical of the National Army/pre-war Peninsular army, in shirt sleeve order, with grenadero trousers and an Isabelino cap, as is the entire sub-range.  It is not particularly well defined that's all.  Use it for Legion and other Nationalist types.

John Cook

BTW, SCW22 is the same figure in winter dress with trousers and puttees.  The sub-section 'Generic' is a bit of misnomer as almost all are typically Nationalist types.  You can mix those listed as Regular Army (summer/winter/foul weather) into Republican infantry units up to a point, especially for the early months but they are typically Nationalist really.  The cavalry are essentially Nationalist.  Popular Army units tended to avoid clothing that looked like National Army uniforms for obvious reasons.  Neither the Civil Guards nor the Assaul Guards are 'generic', being uniquely Nationalist and Republican types respectively.

For uniformes generally, if you can find a copy of JM Beuno's Uniformes, Militares De La Guerra Civil Espanola get it.  It has been out of print for a long time and can attract silly money.  It was also written during the Franco era so all the National Army types have the look of clean shaven heroes while the Republcans often look like sinister cigarette smoking bandidos.  It is encyclopaedic nevertheless.  A .pdf download is available on line somewhere.  If you can't find it, send me a pm as I have a copy on file.
Also consider La Caballeria en la Guerra Civil in the Hombres en Uniforme series.  Most of the authoritative books are Spanish although Bruno Mugnai's Foreign Volunteers and The International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War has been translated into English and is excellent in the context of the Popular Army generally.  The Brigades were dressed and equipped like any other Republican units.   At around £15 it is well worth having as are the Osprey's on SCW subjects.
For the CTV Il Corpo Truppe Voluntario Italiano Durante la Guerra Civile Spagnola by Ernesto Chiappa is indispensible but expensive.  Who said wargaming was a cheap hobby anyway!
Finally, this Spanish site worth exploring Republic. Introduction to CGE (

Sean Clark

Thanks John. The reason I ask is that the hat has a definite flat top as opposed to the pinched together look of other figures in the isabelino cap. It matters not as I've painted them in neutral colours and they look great. There's certainly no tassel as on other figures caps. From the resources I have to hand it looks more like the Italian bustina cap.
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