Mounted - Entries Only!

Started by Leon, 28 February 2022, 10:31:47 PM

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Which are your 5 favourite entries?

Maraviglia's Napoleonic dragoons
7 (13.2%)
DecemDave's LOA/ECW cavalry
8 (15.1%)
Lord Speedy's Roman cavalry
7 (13.2%)
Steve_Holmes_11's Vijayanagar elephants
4 (7.5%)
Kodosg42's Saladin's knights
9 (17%)
Notmatthew's Medieval knights
6 (11.3%)
Streetgang's LoA rebel horse
37 (69.8%)
Kodosg42's Medieval Rus cavalry
32 (60.4%)
Paulr's 100YW Men-at-Arms
10 (18.9%)
Vincenzo21's FPW dragoons
5 (9.4%)
Shrimproll's SYW Bavarian cavalry
13 (24.5%)
Lybard's Boer cavalry
24 (45.3%)
The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's LoA Russian Reiters
5 (9.4%)
The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's Russian hussars
6 (11.3%)
The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's Polish cossack cavalry
6 (11.3%)
Nogbadthebad's ECW cavalry
4 (7.5%)
ArthurCurvelo's Dutch cavalry
7 (13.2%)
DHautpol's Seydlitz hussars
25 (47.2%)
mmcv's mounted Samurai
4 (7.5%)
Steve J's Imagi-Nations cavalry
4 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 53

Voting closed: 08 March 2022, 06:29:33 PM


28 February 2022, 10:31:47 PM Last Edit: 01 March 2022, 06:36:23 PM by Leon
The entries are all in and it's time for you guys to choose our winners!

Everyone has put a huge amount of time and effort into their entries so please take a couple of minutes to browse through the work on show and choose your favourites.  All of the entries for this category can be found here:,21465.0.html and we've also included a reminder of each below.

Everyone gets 5 votes per category, so have a good look through the entries below, choose your favourite 5, and then pop your votes in the boxes at the top of this thread.  Voting will be open for exactly 7 days and the winners will be revealed at 6:30pm on Tuesday 8th March.

So, here they are:

Maraviglia's Napoleonic dragoons:

DecemDave's LOA/ECW cavalry:

Lord Speedy's Roman cavalry:

Steve_Holmes_11's Vijayanagar elephants:

Kodosg42's Saladin's knights:

Notmatthew's Medieval knights:

Streetgang's LoA rebel horse:

Kodosg42's Medieval Rus cavalry:

Paulr's 100YW Men-at-Arms:

Vincenzo21's FPW dragoons:

Shrimproll's SYW Bavarian cavalry:

Lybard's Boer cavalry:

The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's LoA Russian Reiters:

The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's Russian hussars:

The_Wrong_Khovanskiy's Polish cossack cavalry:

Nogbadthebad's ECW cavalry:

ArthurCurvelo's Dutch cavalry:

DHautpol's Seydlitz hussars:

mmcv's mounted Samurai:

Steve J's Imagi-Nations cavalry: - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!