Paintingdeamons Diarie

Started by paintingdeamon, 09 April 2011, 05:52:59 PM

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Hey everyone,

Here is a picture of the very first 10mm I’ve painted.
It is a British artillery guy, I,m not sure if I have the colors right so guys :-/

Ps some how there is more contrast between the colors in real life  :-\

more to come  8)



10 April 2011, 12:31:08 AM #1 Last Edit: 12 April 2011, 07:48:45 PM by nikharwood
Very nicely done Harold - looking forward to seeing more of what you can do in 10mm  8)


Here is the progress so far
These are 5 command teams and 3 crews for cannons.

Speaking of cannons I have my barrels done, still testing some colors for the rest of the guns.

Last are 2 guns on test bases, just to see if the colors work the real bases will have more stuff on them like bushes and fallen trees etc

Hope you guys like them
Comments are welcome


Sean Clark

Really nice stuff there. :)

I take it the barrels are loose so the carriage can be painted without risk of getting any on that gorgeous metal work?

God's Own Scale podcast

goat major

Looking great Harold - the bronze for your cannons has a lovely rich tone to it!!

The artilleryman's colours are pretty much spot on i think. If you look closely there is a thin cord running over the top of the cross belt which i think was red - or seems to be in this pic anyway.
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@ Sean: yes the barrels are stil loose :D

@ Goat Major
: thanx for the link, i kinda guest what they would look like.
i wasnt sure about the rim on the hat white or yellow.

the bronze is actualy quite easy to do, first i use a black primer.
the base coat is vallejo game color Brassy Brass followed by a wash of GW Ogryn Flesh.
than you highlight only the top of the gun with a 3 to 1 mix of vallejo game color Brassy Brass and vallejo game color Glorius Gold.
finaly a coat of glossy varnih