Well done Egypt

Started by Luddite, 11 February 2011, 08:53:39 PM

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Well done the people of Egypt of a really rather inspiring Revolution.

I'm so relieved that they managed to pull it off without further loss of life.

I sincerely hope the hard work ahead works out well for them; lord knows they deserve it.

Marvellous show Egyptians!  =D>

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

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"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN



part one complete, now for the hard part. Best wishes to them for that


Within 5 years their will be tearing at neighbours like an underfed pitbull.

Viva la revolution.

I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Hardly any revolution ever escapes a dictatorship afterwards. The test isn't what they have for the next five years, methinks; it's where they go after that.
   Which said, I add my voice to the cheering anyway.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

republic of tolworth

So they wouldn't appreciate some help from Britain and France again then ;D?

Good luck to them, it's the post dictator revenge that may plunge them into more turmoil :(
League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


how much blood was spilt in Britain to establish our "democracy"?
