SYW Standard Bearers

Started by DHautpol, 23 October 2021, 12:57:11 PM

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Having just seen the impressive 2020 List of New Releases, I am prompted to request a couple of figures for the SYW ranges.

In both the Prussian and Austrian Infantry packs, the standard bearers are sculpted as officers rather than NCOs.  With the Prussian Musketeers and the Austrians you can sort of fake it by painting NCO lace and arguing that they hadn't buttoned their coat turnbacks.  However, the Prussian Fusilier standard bearers are trickier as they wore the same fusilier caps as the rest of the men. I did contemplate doing some head transplants but thought better of.

I did consider some of the standard bearer figures from the AWI Hessian/Brunswicker ranges until I saw a thread saying that the two ranges were not compatible (the AWI being noticeably larger).

I think that only three Prussian figures would be needed (maybe six, if you wanted a little variety). One figure in a tricorne, one in a fusilier cap and one in a grenadier cap (someone will want to do IR 6 or the Third Battn of IR 15); the difference between the figures would be confined to the headgear.  Only two Austrians (or four) would be needed, one "German" and one Hungarian, both in tricornes.

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This is a great idea and much needed.  The ubiquitous officer waving his hat aloft could do with some companions.  Add to the list a French NCO or two.

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