Dune 2021

Started by Big Insect, 11 December 2020, 10:41:48 AM

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It is by will alone I set my mind in motion
It is by the juice of the java that thoughts acquire speed
The mug acquires a stain
The stain becomes a warning
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

;D ;D ;D ;D
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Pleased to see Dominic Cummings has found a new job

"I like coffee exceedingly..."
 H.P. Lovecraft

"We don't want your stupid tanks!" 
Salah Askar,

My six degrees of separation includes Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, and Wendy James


Ahh, Dune II. Spent many an hour playing that.


"I like coffee exceedingly..."
 H.P. Lovecraft

"We don't want your stupid tanks!" 
Salah Askar,

My six degrees of separation includes Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, and Wendy James

Big Insect

Well ... I went to see the new movie yesterday (Saturday 23rd).

It is IMHO a master piece.
Beautifully shot - well cast - and almost 100% true to the book - what is not, is some small stuff that is taken out. Which is the way I like adaptations.

The technology is well handled, and is close to the book - and the politics/religion are so well imbedded in the plot line that you feel totally immersed in this plausible universe.
We've not met the Padashar Emperor yet (or the Guild Navigator), but the Baron Harkonnon is a more ominous, and realistically powerful, a menacing and brooding presence, than the raving lunatic in the original film.

Well worth seeing and I shall be looking forward to Part 2 and actually rewatching Part 1 ahead of the release of Part 2.
They have done Frank Herbert proud - in my view.
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.