SELWG 2021

Started by Orcs, 17 October 2021, 04:31:10 PM

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Well I have just got back from SELWG 2021.  No photos I am afraid but a quick report.

This year the South  East London based group held their show iat the Lee Valley Athletic Centre. Formally it had been held at the Crystal palace sports centre.

While I think it a little ironic that a group from South east London have held their show in North East London, I can only commend them for doing so rather than cancel it due to the lack of  availability of a venue more local to the club. .

I got there just before 11am, The carpark was fairly full but there were still plenty of spaces. The parking was free so another plus there. Entry was £7 , but that was still good value as no parking to pay.

The actual show was held on the indoor running track, again another bit of irony, as most wargamers I know could not have run round  a complete circuit without a need for a long sit down or an ambulance. (myself included).
That said the hall was light and area and plenty of space to walk around. The  spectator stands also gave plenty of seating for those needing it.  The only are of concern was a couple of patches of uneven flooring that was covered and had warning notices, but it was still a bit of a trip hazard. I suspect this is where gym equipment is fixed when the center is used by more energetic people.  In all the actual venue was quite pleasant, with better lighting and far quieter than Salute at  the Excel centre.

Notably there was no food provided by the venue, apart from some vending machines. THere was a coffee van outside that sold sandwiches, and a Fish & Chip van was supposed to have attended. Apparently it had been stolen overnight, although the cynic in me thinks they probably got a offered a better alternative venue. The SELWG club did pull out the stops and got a Mexican food van to site.  I did not use any of the catering so cannot comment on it quality or value.

There were around 50 traders, with 28mm figures being the most common.  Quite a few terrain  stands some of whom were new to me. Many of the traders were still wanting cash rather than card. This did catch me out as while I had taken  a fair bit of cash and got all on my list, I may have bought some other items if they had taken cards, or I had more cash.

The big Bring and Buy was in a separate area and appeared well managed . Prices seemed high on a lot of things (blame E-bay) but there were some good bargains to be had if that was period or scale. It was busy when I arrived buit this had really dropped off after lunch .

There were quite a few demo and participation games (26?), all to a good standard, but nothing that really grabbed my attention.

Attendance seemed very light and  I would have said was significantly less than the last time I went to SELWG about 5 years ago. THis may have been down to the nice wide aisles between stands and games dissipating the crowd

A few people were wearing masks but there were a small minority, and I wonder if those who would have worn masks gave a big gathering the miss.

All In all a good show and I really like this new venue. I was told the Its certainly better for me to get to, being a quick hour round the M25 rather than fighting traffic across London.  I hope it stays at this venue in future years, especially if they can get the catering sorted.


The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Duke Speedy of Leighton

I was there for the Grand Tournament end of Sept and they had real issues with the catering, so probably a good thing (I brought my own butties)...  :'(
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


18 October 2021, 10:33:31 AM #2 Last Edit: 18 October 2021, 10:38:08 AM by DHautpol
Quote from: Orcs on 17 October 2021, 04:31:10 PM

a Fish & Chip van was supposed to have attended. Apparently it had been stolen overnight, although the cynic in me thinks they probably got a offered a better alternative venue.

You weren't the only one to think that. I said as much to a friend of mine, that they had realised that there was better business to be had down the road at White Hart Lane and the American Football.

I live in Enfield so the venue was only a couple of miles away and should have meant a nice quick journey, rather than the trek from the northern limits of London to the southern limits at Crystal Palace.   I say "should have" as I carelessly got on the wrong bus and found myself being sped in the wrong direction towards IKEA and Tottenham Hale.  I ended up catching a train back to Ponders End where I was met by a couple of very nice SELWG people with a minibus.  Catching the correct bus home was easier as it was the only bus.

I spent a couple of enjoyable hours wandering about but agree that there was nothing that really grabbed my attention.  It was nice to see the Warlords' STINGRAY game getting another outing and I'm guessing with a few more youngsters around would have been more popular than it seemed to be.

One complaint, and it applies to most shows, is that a lot of the traders are selling the same thing and you keep facing the same array of products at each stand.  I realise that there is probably a FIMO element in this about having the latest products available, but it was very frustrating wanting to buy a particular Vallejo paint and to keep being faced with racks of Army Painter.  I'll just have to tack it on to my SALUTE order for Pendraken.

On the whole, well done to SELWG for getting the show up and running again and may the attendance be higher next year.  
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2018 Painting Competition - 3 x Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: DHautpol on 18 October 2021, 10:33:31 AM
One complaint, and it applies to most shows, is that a lot of the traders are selling the same thing and you keep facing the same array of products at each stand.  I realise that there is probably a FIMO element in this about having the latest products available, but it was very frustrating wanting to buy a particular Vallejo paint and to keep being faced with racks of Army Painter.  I'll just have to tack it on to my SALUTE order for Pendraken.

I'm hoping that we can attend SELWG next year, so there'll be some Vallejo available!  We'd been invited this year but with Salute and Warfare so close it wasn't really viable to visit London 3 times in 6 weeks.  Next year the shows should all be back to their usual dates and we can give SELWG a try in its new venue. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!