Austrian Seven Years War Hussars

Started by T13A, 02 September 2021, 08:23:47 PM

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I've just started to paint up a unit of Austrian Seven Years War hussars and noticed that attached to the horse's harness there are a number of what looks like 'tassels' shaped a bit like a fan. I can't find any information or reference to them in my usual sources such as the Kronoskaf website or the uniform books that I have. Can anybody help me out in terms of what colours they might have been i.e. the same as the uniform or uniform facing colour?

many thanks

Cheers Paul
T13A Out!


If they are what I think you mean they are leather tassels hanging from the harnesses? Probably should be black, or whatever colour you are painting the leatherwork.


I agree. I've painted mine black in accordance with the Hussar Trooper illustrated in Osprey's The Austrian army 1740-80 (1) Cavalry which itself is based on a painting by a contemporary of the era, David Morier. Here's an example of one of his paintings:-
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


That will be them!

many thanks Clib and Westmarcher.

Cheers Paul
T13A Out!


Terrific illustration, thanks for posting.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!