1809 Hungarian Napoleonic Officer - whats the bundle on his back?

Started by Gareth121, 07 April 2021, 10:21:04 AM

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Hi, I'm just painting up a unit of Hungarian infantry and am looking at the officer figure.

He has a bundle on his back which raises a couple of questions. Can anybody help please.

Is it a rolled greatcoat?  It looks a bit small for that, but I'm not sure what else it could be.

And how is it held in place? The orientation looks wrong for it to be attached to the strap that passes over his left shoulder. There 'might' be a strap modeled up to the right shoulder on his back but if there is it disappears on the front.

I've spent some time searching on the internet but can not find any pictures that help.



The officer most definitely has a shoulder strap (his left shoulder) and a waist sash - the 'lump' I took to be a pistol I think, possibly a pistol cartouche box.

Although to be honest its been a while since I painted them and once based I can tell you that on none of them can I get line of sight to that 'lump' anymore, no matter how I twirl the bases  :D

therefore I think its safe to say it don't matter much - pistol or cartouche box

Austrian Fusiliers 1809 - 19th IR Alvintzy, Battalion I 01
by Zippee Jerred, on Flickr


Thanks - I've painted it grey. You are right it won't be seen but I just got a bit hung up on it. It's funny how little things like that can become obstacles.  :(



Like you I painted it grey (although not shown in the photo) with the white strap continuing over the centre – presuming that it's his overcoat hanging on his shoulder strap. I see I went for brown for my converted officer. I think I was experimenting with the pistol holster idea just to cover that base, too. You can see that the shoulder strap is brown in the photo.
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John Cook

The cross strap supported a holster and pistol and was common for all infantry officers on campaign throughout the period.  This is probably what it is.  These pictures are by Mollo dating from the earlier part of the period.


Unfortunately the sculpting doesn't mirror the evidence. Hence the confusion. It's higher up the back, for one. Not so good for shooting time.
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Quote from: John Cook on 08 April 2021, 04:42:47 PM
The cross strap supported a holster and pistol and was common for all infantry officers on campaign throughout the period.  This is probably what it is.  These pictures are by Mollo dating from the earlier part of the period.

Thank you - that clears up the little mystery.

Here's how I ended up painting it.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Lord Lensman of Wellington
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Seeing this it's quite feasible to imagine it's his grey frock coat/jacket rolled up with the cleft caused by the strap cutting into 'the bundle.'
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.