Open - Army - Entries Only!

Started by Leon, 31 January 2021, 09:29:34 PM

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31 January 2021, 09:29:34 PM Last Edit: 11 February 2021, 09:44:10 PM by Leon
Please put your entries for the Open - Army category in this thread.  

Conditions: Anything which is larger than the maximums in the other categories, so multiple units or a whole army.

This thread is for entries only, and you are only allowed 5 images per entry, with no montages.  If you would like to comment on the entries, please start a discussion thread.  Please enter each entry as a separate post, just to make it easier to keep track of them when it comes to judging!

- The Winner of this category will receive £40 worth of Pendraken credit!
- The Runner-Up of this category will receive £20 worth of Pendraken credit!

BONUS PRIZE! - £20 voucher off any fleece mat from Geek Villain:

Good luck to everyone!

8) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


01 February 2021, 06:18:09 PM #1 Last Edit: 01 February 2021, 10:04:27 PM by Leon
My final entry into this year's competition is the full Warband, hope y'all like em!

2021 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I would like to submit as my an entry into the painting competition, the Republican French Armee du Nord in January 1871 which I have been painting up over the past 8 months (I think). Here are 5 pictures of it on display.

The full army as it currently stands with 3 divisions mustered - a fourth, National Guard division, is still assembling and has yet to join up.


10 February 2021, 09:44:50 PM #3 Last Edit: 10 February 2021, 09:50:29 PM by Leon
Here are four pictures of the Anglo-Saxon Army at Hastings that I have added to the figures that Nosher painted, and I rebased. The new army consists of two Huscarl units, three of Great Fyrd, a 'mob' made up largely of the old TB line, four units of light archers, and a couple of command stands, for a total of about 190 figures.  Please ignore the mighty armies in the background of one of the photos!

SaxonArmy1 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

SaxonArmy2 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

SaxonArmy3 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

SaxonArmy4 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr
2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


10 February 2021, 10:59:02 PM #4 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:47:19 PM by Leon

My Vidosvian's 1st detachement

army1 by chris vde, sur Flickr

army2 by chris vde, sur Flickr

army3 by chris vde, sur Flickr

army4 by chris vde, sur Flickr
2021 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


12 February 2021, 08:13:20 PM #5 Last Edit: 15 February 2021, 11:39:10 AM by Leon
My Barbarian Army for Mighty Armies :)

20210212_194923 by James Dixon, on Flickr

20210212_194935 by James Dixon, on Flickr

20210212_194950 by James Dixon, on Flickr

20210212_195010 by James Dixon, on Flickr

20210212_195103 by James Dixon, on Flickr
"It'll be fine!" - The last words the misses heard me utter before Cthulhu devoured us in Arkham Horror!


13 February 2021, 04:48:25 PM #6 Last Edit: 15 February 2021, 11:39:27 AM by Leon

Blind Musketeer

15 February 2021, 11:35:39 AM #7 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:47:40 PM by Leon
ECW Royalist Army Wing - by Jim Dirmaier


17 February 2021, 02:03:47 PM #8 Last Edit: 17 February 2021, 04:00:58 PM by Leon
Hello, my crusader army.

2021 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


17 February 2021, 05:00:08 PM #9 Last Edit: 20 February 2021, 06:51:54 PM by Leon
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!


19 February 2021, 04:03:16 AM #10 Last Edit: 20 February 2021, 06:53:55 PM by Leon
1420s Hussites (i); most successful peasant revolt in history.

KittyOpenArmy2 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

KittyOpenArmy1 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

KittyOpenArmy3 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

KittyOpenArmy4 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

KittyOpenArmy5 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


DBA II/32ab Later Carthaginian 275-146 BC

1x Cavalry General, 1x Cavalry
3x Spanish scutati, 2x Gauls

8x Poeni spearmen
1x Slingers, 3x Javelin men

2x Elephants, 2x Numidian Light horse

Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


21 February 2021, 03:14:31 PM #12 Last Edit: 26 February 2021, 03:21:16 PM by Leon
Saxons at the Battle of Wagram 1809

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


23 February 2021, 10:25:22 PM #13 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:48:25 PM by Leon
ECW Parliamentarians for FoG:R


24 February 2021, 02:46:42 PM #14 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:48:41 PM by Leon
Hill Dwarves