Bedford TK RAF Mobile Control Tower in N gauge/10mm

Started by Sunray, 27 August 2020, 07:38:44 PM

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You complete oik, James !  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I've no idea how many dozens (No.... hundreds...maybe thousands..) of 'fresh' wine bottle corks I've slung away.

At the mo' I've got well over one hundred figures/dollies 'green stuffed' onto corks..(Fantasy...Historical...Sci-Fi....Whatever =))...and that's before I even start  on any of the (relatively) modern wee men. X_X :'( :'( :'(

Cheers - Phil. :-*


Amazon. £10.99 for 100. Post free on first order.

Surely, Pendraken is saved! :)

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: Techno on 29 August 2020, 01:13:56 PM
You complete oik, James !  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I've no idea how many dozens (No.... hundreds...maybe thousands..) of 'fresh' wine bottle corks I've slung away.

At the mo' I've got well over one hundred figures/dollies 'green stuffed' onto corks..(Fantasy...Historical...Sci-Fi....Whatever =))...and that's before I even start  on any of the (relatively) modern wee men. X_X :'( :'( :'(

Cheers - Phil. :-*

Panic over.  Take us back to Defence Condition 5 Number One !   :)



Just said 'O revoir' (sic) ;)....To the chap that's sheared our small flock of sheep for the last 10 years or more.

He and his good Lady are moving to Bulgaria. :o :o :o

Hopefully, the last sheep won't need shearing next year.

(Still haven't had the bill for the collection of the last one that dropped dead.)

Cheers - Phil ;)


Unfortunately the sheep unsheared will most likely get blowfly maggots. In good times with high wool prices, the cut paid the shearer.

But with China now not buying wool, the price has dropped.  Hence the drop in sheep numbers - also uncertainty over EU Single Farm Payment replacement once we leave the EU.

There is a rare breed , the Hebridean/St Kilda naturally moults if not shorn.

Steve J

Bulgaria is meant to be beautiful and incredibly cheap to live, away from the Black Sea coastal resorts!


Quote from: Sunray on 29 August 2020, 07:08:05 PM
Unfortunately the sheep unsheared will most likely get blowfly maggots. 

Fly-strike is VILE !......Though it's 'sort of' fun, if you catch it early....spray the sheep with some sort of specific insecticide (the name of which I've forgotten) and watch the maggots crawling out of the fleece to perish on the floor.....Barstewards !
(Mind you, you then have to stop the chickens trying to eat the sods when the 'crawlies' are covered in the insecticide. Have I put anyone off their grub, yet ?) :D

Quote from: Steve J on 29 August 2020, 07:29:26 PM
Bulgaria is meant to be beautiful and incredibly cheap to live, away from the Black Sea coastal resorts!

Dave (the shearer) is really taken with it ! Showed us a pic of the home to be. Think it was a three bedroom cottage/house with a dozen acres, or more....Looked really nice. :-bd

To you.....£14,000. :o :o :o :o

Cheers - Phil