Falklands War Casualty figures?

Started by robh, 21 August 2020, 02:08:42 PM

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not irrational at all FSN.
as I said before we all have our reasons.
I remember someone started looking into the Israeli Lebanon 1982 war got the figures and vehicles and terrain. then stopped cold when the "Arab Spring" started.


Quote from: sean66 on 25 August 2020, 03:07:50 PM
not irrational at all FSN.
as I said before we all have our reasons.
I remember someone started looking into the Israeli Lebanon 1982 war got the figures and vehicles and terrain. then stopped cold when the "Arab Spring" started.

This is interesting.  I game AK47 type fictional bush wars circa late 1960s, however as the list of AFV releases suggests, Pendraken is on the cusp of doing a 1973 Arab- Isralie range: Egyptians, IDF and Syrians.   

Would Pendraken be better advised to proceed with a hypothical Cold War range of Soviets and WP ?

John Cook

Quote from: fsn on 25 August 2020, 02:46:25 PM
I find I cannot game wars that I remember. The 1973 Arab-Israeli is on the cusp for me. The Falklands is out.

I know it's irrational.

I don't use casualty markers.

That's another thing.  Like you I don't use casualty markers but only because I've never had a need for them, and don't see what purpose they serve. 

Interesting that you can't game wars you remember.  It's probably very rational if the truth be known. 

There were a couple of members of the Rheindahlen Garrison Club, back in late 1980s, who had comprehensive 1st British Corps/3 Shock Army collections in 6mm.   I had no problem taking part when they gave them an outing but when I think about it, there isn't any post-WW2 conflict, real or imagined, that generates more than a flicker of interest in me, certainly not sufficient to start a project. 


I remember the Rheindahlen club.
many a weekend spent their in the 90's playing games and Painting.
As an aside I once hosted a big 6mm Cold War gone Hot game in Duelmen (British supply Depot) in 1997.
the Soviet 3rd shock army invaded the German Border (taken direct from "the Third World War by General Sir John Hackett. (of Arnhem Bridge fame)
the defending force was a mix of British, West German regulars and West German TA.
the game was a demonstration game. but I was approached by a German gentleman asking if he could take over a TA unit.
he moved his unit into a village close to the border and fought tenaciously for the whole game trying to defend then re take the village.
after the game he thanked me and told me he'd never gamed before but he was born in that village, and was part of the TA unit I had made to defend it
so he felt he had to game it with me.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

John Cook

Happy days Sean.  We might have met across the table for all I know.  I was at Rheindahlen from 1989 to 1992.  It was my last posting before I retired from the army in 1993.  Some of the best games I ever had were there.  We were kindred spirits and all ranks from corporal to colonel, plus a couple of UK civilians.  No ranks, all known by our given names, except the colonel, who was called 'colonel' by everybody (what else?).  Nobody kicked the arse out of it and once back in the real world it was back to military etiquette. 

We met once a week - Wednesday as I remember - with occasional weekend games.  We played everything from ancients to WW3, via 40K, and I can't remember a rancorous moment.  I have never found a club to equal it, in fact, I've never found a civilian club I actually wanted to belong to and I've tried a few.  All far too competitive and too many 'rulesmiths'  - perhaps it's me, I don't know. 

We had a huge room in the basement of the International Officers' Club when I was there, opposite the Garrison Theatre and every year we took over the ground floor to put on a show, which was part of the BAOR show circuit, large enough to attract traders from UK. 

My abiding memory is the year when the toilets blocked and there I was, with the colonel (late REME - a full colonel general staff job) with our sleeves rolled up, plungers in hand, unblocking them.  I am fairly sure that that kind of work was not in the job-description of either a colonel or a WO1!

Thanks for reminding me of happy times.



I think our paths Just missed each other.
I started gaming in 1993 in Bosnia (May-Nov). went to first club early spring 1994 (Hohne)
we met under the NAAFI of the 40th R.A.
so my first Rheindahlen would of been 1994
I remember lots of U.K. traders at the shows. Friday night tip up help traders get ready. slept in building had breakfast then all kicked out to
queue to get back in again. same again Sat/Sun.


I'd like to see casualty figures for this and other periods - Cold War, WWII, etc., since I'd much prefer them to using chits of dice on the tabletop to keep track of that, for various rules systems.