Show unread posts since last visit problem

Started by Steve J, 11 August 2020, 06:42:32 AM

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Steve J

Well the past few days when I've hit the 'show unread posts since last visit' button, it hasn't always shown all of them. A case in point being Phil's reply in 'Blather, Waffle and Poppycock'. Not a big deal of course but it means sometimes I might miss replies to subjects I'm interested in. Anyone else having the same issue?


11 August 2020, 06:53:20 AM #1 Last Edit: 11 August 2020, 06:59:03 AM by OldenBUA
No, it works just fine for me.

Some points of note, if you did not know:

- any posts unread when you leave the forum will not show up again when you return and press that button (well, sometimes anyway)

- when looking at the tree with all the folders ( starting with Pendraken Miniatures Forum) any folders with unread posts will be marked blue

- this marking also happens if folders have been shuffled around by an admin
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


Very, very occasionally, Steve.

I tend to check the opening page for the little blue boxes, on the left.....(as well)..and sometimes they don't appear to match up with the 'show unread posts'. :-\


Cheers - Phil


At the bottom right of the show unread list there's also a Show All Unread which will include ones you'd maybe missed on previous visits. It links to:;all;start=0


I don't think I'd dare, Matthew !  ;)

Cheers - Phil :)