Did we talk about Vickers QF 2.95 inch Mountain Gun?

Started by GrumpyOldMan, 02 June 2020, 11:37:59 PM

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I have a feeling that we've discussed this topic before but I can't find any listing in the forum posts.

The gun had an interesting history being used by Egyptians, other African nations/colonies before and during WW1 (East Africa campaign), Americans during the Spanish American war and later equipped the forces fighting the Japanese in the Philippines.


Any other interest in this?




I would be interested if there were Americans in battle bowlers to go with them
Lord Lensman of Wellington
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Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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Well this is what happens when you're locked up inside and get bored, working on 3d models ...... (pic attached)

Just working on a figure of a rifleman that I can morph into other types... Working on the chunkiness and vertex assignment (90% done) now, have already got a BAR, Thompson, Browning 1917 30cal water cooled MMG, Colt 1911, Lewis gun, Garrand (model has a Springfield currently), jodhpurs, boots and campaign hat, bush hat and long trousers. Even got a Boys AT rifle although I can't find much info on their use in the Pacific. Once I get them prettied up I'll get some printed up by Shapeways or similar and see if they could be used as masters. I imagine they'd still need some manual finishing.



pierre the shy

09 June 2020, 01:27:05 AM #4 Last Edit: 09 June 2020, 01:32:58 AM by pierre the shy
The Boy(e)s AT Rifle was only issued to US Marine Raider battalions in limited numbers during 1942/3 according to this source:


Their most famous moment in Marine hands was being used to help shoot up two Japanese seaplanes during the 2nd Raider battalion's Makin Island raid in Oct 1942.
"Bomps a daisy....it's enough to make you weep!"