My 10mm Basing Solution, Ready for Operation Barbarossa!

Started by bigjackmac, 20 May 2020, 02:03:07 AM

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I've been hard at work getting Kampgruppe Klink, fresh from their victory in Greece, prepared for Operation Barbarossa.  On the one hand, I needed to pick up some additional vehicles, troops, and buildings, while on the other, I wanted to re-base my Germans and Soviets as I was tired of them looking shabby and not uniform.

Along the way I stumbled a bit while looking for a basing solution that would allow me to use the same vehicle models for both summer and winter (snowy) fights.  I had based my vehicles and was looking for the best way to transition back and forth; I'd posted earlier asking for help, and I appreciate everyone that chimed in.  Here's what I came up with.

The whole mess, with Germans on left and Soviets on right.  I haven't finished the winter infantry and guns, but when I do these forces should be able to take me all the way through the 'gray' period, up to about summer of 1943.  The forces are a mix of Pendraken and Minifigs, with Minifigs making up about 90% of the infantry and Pendraken making up about 98% of the vehicles and guns.

Here's what they look like on the table, at gaming distance.

A closeup of the German stands, consisting of an MG squad, a Pz IVG, and a Flak-36 88mm ATG.  Astute observers will note that the infantry and guns are based differently than the vehicles; this is because I have separate infantry for summer and winter, but the vehicles will pull double duty.  The only change I made from my previous pics of the vehicle basing was that I put a dark inkwash on the vehicle's base and I added some clump foliage.  I think (hope?) this makes the vehicles blend well enough with the infantry and guns, but then for winter all I have to do is pop the clump foliage off and paint them white.  We'll see...

To see a bunch more pics and descriptions of what I've got, please check the blog at:

So, there they are, all set for Barbarossa.  Let me know what you think.

Regarding Panzergrenadier Brigade Klink's (AKA, "KG Klink") route, I'm looking at Minsk to Smolensk, then getting called back to Kiev, then back up through Smolensk to Vyazma, which should take me all the way to Zhukov's counteroffensive in December 1941.  What I have to do now is make up campaign maps and counters, and that's proving a bit difficult.  I don't have detailed maps or unit data, so everything I draw up is way out of scale; hell, it's proving hard to get anywhere near to scale!  How do you follow a brigade-sized element on a front that swallows up whole divisions every day!!!???

So I need help; if anyone can help me with simplified maps that make sense to take KG Klink from their starting positions in Army Group Center to Minsk, then from Minsk to Smolensk, then from Smolensk to Kiev, then from Smolensk to Vyazma/Briansk, or can point me at something that helps me do that, I'd be greatly appreciative.

The sooner I get that squared away, the sooner I can get this party started.  Personally, I'm shooting for 29 May to be my D-Day for Operation Barbarossa.  Just gotta get this figured out first!



Impressive project Jack.  Three years ago, I jettisoned 10mm vehicle bases altogether - apart from HQ and where recon has figures. I then switched figures to thin plastic card. 

Its not everyman's choice, but hey- if it works for those who play?   If seasonal rebasing works for you- go for it, and thrill us with the eye candy.

There was a complimentary publication of campaign maps to accompany the Orbis Publishing WW2 set .  It covers the entire war.

Additionally the Barbarossa edition has maps for that campaign.  They regularly surface on Ebay.

Best wishes



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Quote from: bigjackmac on 20 May 2020, 02:03:07 AM
So I need help; if anyone can help me with simplified maps that make sense to take KG Klink from their starting positions in Army Group Center to Minsk, then from Minsk to Smolensk, then from Smolensk to Kiev, then from Smolensk to Vyazma/Briansk, or can point me at something that helps me do that, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Can you use a board game such as Barbarossa to Berlin or a design like Bob's at his Wargaming Miscellany blog?


James - Thanks, and yeah, I do wish I hadn't based my vehicles, but too late now...  I'll keep an eye out for those maps.

Paul - I appreciate it!

Hammurabi - I hadn't really considered a board game-type hex map, but that's definitely a good idea!



Glad to help if I can Jack. The Orbis magazine for Barbarossa is issue 20.  I see one currently on Ebay at £1.

You take time and diligence to illustrate your games and when I meet young wargamers (you still meet a few!), I often direct them to your threads.

In this day and age, it is your threads that inspire in the same way that the late Charles Grant evangelised my generation via his wargames column in Meccano magazine later to be published as Battle; Practical Wargaming   (1970).    Grant was clever. He was an Ancients gamer, but twigged the availability and popular appeal of Airfix plastic WW2 figures and Minitanks.  

In your illustrated threads, you not only exploit the eye candy of the miniatures, but you capture the tensions and uncertainty of the dice, and the benefits of the " +1 factor".  The appeal of the pastime is succinctly packaged.

Keep 'er lit, young McDaniel, Keep 'er lit!




Thanks for the heads up on the magazine, and my goodness, I'm speechless, thank you so much for the kind words!  I'm flattered and honored to hear you're forwarding youngsters to my batreps, it's great to know I might be having some influence on other wargamers.  I will certainly continue doing what I do!



Credit where credit is due Jack.  You have a talent as your batreps read like a good tutorial.  You take the trouble to unpack what is happening and why.
The reader is taken on a  learning curve made gentle by the quality of the graphics (the eye candy).




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