Peninsular Napoleonics Not-Kickstarter!

Started by Leon, 01 May 2020, 12:11:47 AM

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I had been waiting for this range to come along for years and it comes just after I had made the mistake of putting in an order for Indian Mutiny figures (bit of desperation and I cannot fond any remotely suitable rules).   Is it possible to transfer the money I sent for the Indian Mutiny figures (which have yet to arrive) as a down payment for Peninsula War figures (I will then make a substantial addition to the order).

I hope you can assist me


Michael Parker


Just codes marked with a quantity thanks


Am doing the Salamanca OOB in 1812, question for the experts, did the British Light Dragoons have the new uniform by then, or were they still in (worn out) Tarletons?



02 May 2020, 04:15:47 PM #18 Last Edit: 02 May 2020, 04:18:58 PM by Sandyfalkirk
Hi Leon,

Can I just pledge how much I will contribute just now and have a look later on this week to confirm exactly what?

Basically I'm going to want most stuff, esp the Spanish and Portuguese....except of course I'll need Brit Cav in Bicornes and Lt dragoons too ....yes, I'll probably need most things.

Say £300 (£150 now, £150 later)  I reckon as I will want all for 24 size cav units and 32 to 48 size inf btns, roughly 12 Btns Spanish, Port, guns etc so that sounds like a start. Actually edited to say that the Spanish range...oh my please!

That being said, if for some reason the pledges fell short of the target....I'd maybe squeeze some more in.

Really hope this gets going as I love the sculpts as easy to paint, robust for picking up and look good which is a tough combo.



Quote from: sultanbev on 02 May 2020, 04:07:36 PM
Am doing the Salamanca OOB in 1812, question for the experts, did the British Light Dragoons have the new uniform by then, or were they still in (worn out) Tarletons?


I'm far from any expert but it appears those who are say they did. So get a pledge down, the helmets look better than the Shako on British Lights. Plus.....Hussars!



02 May 2020, 05:11:32 PM #20 Last Edit: 02 May 2020, 11:29:37 PM by Leon
So, a new project begins ...  :)

7 x NSP1    Fusiliers in 1805 uniform (c1807)   £5.50
2 x NSP3   Grenadiers in 1805 uniform (c1807) inc. command (16)    £2.95
1 x NSP6   Cazadores in 1805 uniform, inc. command   £5.50
1 x NSP10   Provincial Volunteers/Militia in civilian clothes (c1809)   £5.50
2 x NSP17   Dragoons   £5.50
1 x NSP18   Hussars   £5.50
1 x NSP19   Cazadores a Caballo   £5.50
3 x NSP21   4pdr with line crew (3)   £5.50
1 x NSP22   4pdr with horse crew (3)   £5.50

Total = £99.40

Might add a few more later (if I give in to temptation)  ;)

Derek L.


....and as that was your first post.....a very warm welcome to the forum, Derek :)

Cheers - Phil.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Thank you and well done Pendraken !

6x NPB1   Centre Company, march attack   £5.50
1x NPB3   Flank Company, march attack (16)    £2.95
1x NPB4   Flank Company, firing line (16)    £2.95
1x NPB5   Line command (2 stds per set)   £5.50
1x NPB6   Mounted Officer in bicorne (5)    £1.85
1x NPB7   Light Infantry, advancing inc. command (16)    £2.95
1x NPB8   Light Infantry, firing inc. command (16)    £2.95
1x NPB9   Rifles   £5.50
1x NPB12   Dragoons/Dragoon Guards in bicorne   £5.50
1x NPB13   Light dragoons in Tarleton helmet   £5.50
1x NPB15   6pdr with line crew (3)   £5.50
1x NPB16   6pdr with horse crew (3)   £5.50
1x NPB17   9pdr with line crew (3)   £5.50
1x NPB18   9pdr with horse crew (3)   £5.50

1x NPP6   Cacadores in barretina, inc. command   £5.50
1x NPP7   Cacadores in stovepipe shako, inc. command   £5.50
1x NPP8   Line Cavalry in crested helmet   £5.50
1x NPP9   6pdr with barretina crew (3)   £5.50
1x NPP10   6pdr with stovepipe crew (3)   £5.50

Still figuring out which Spanish


Welcome Derek :-h

An impressive new range Pendraken

Our group already has substantial Napoleonic forces in 20mm & 6mm (we've refought Borodino) but nothing for the Peninsular :-\ X_X
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


This looks  a very impressive range,looks like the not Kickstarter has got off to an excellent start. Fortunately for my bank balance its not my period.  Had it been biblicals then that would have been another story.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Quote from: parkerm17 on 02 May 2020, 03:44:26 PM
I had been waiting for this range to come along for years and it comes just after I had made the mistake of putting in an order for Indian Mutiny figures (bit of desperation and I cannot fond any remotely suitable rules).   Is it possible to transfer the money I sent for the Indian Mutiny figures (which have yet to arrive) as a down payment for Peninsula War figures (I will then make a substantial addition to the order).

I hope you can assist me


Michael Parker

Not wanting to spoil matters but have you tried Sepoy: Wargames Rules for the Indian Mutiny?

(I am not now, nor have I ever been, a player of Napoleonics. - I suppose that makes me an ideal candidate to start a new period in a new scale!)

Ryan Green


My order:

3 x NPB1   Centre Company, march attack   £5.50
3 x NPB3   Flank Company, march attack (16)    £2.95
2 x NPB4   Flank Company, firing line (16)    £2.95
3 x NPB5   Line command (2 stds per set)   £5.50
1 x NPB6   Mounted Officer in bicorne (5)    £1.85
2 x NPB12   Dragoons/Dragoon Guards in bicorne   £5.50
3 x NPB13   Light dragoons in Tarleton helmet   £5.50
1 x NPB14   Hussars   £5.50
2 x NPB15   6pdr with line crew (3)   £5.50

1 x NBK2   Jager in jacket, firing line, inc. command   £5.50
1 x NBK4   Hussars   £5.50


2 x NPP3   Line infantry in stovepipe shako   £5.50
1 x NPP4   Line command in stovepipe shako (15)    £2.75
1 x NPP7   Cacadores in stovepipe shako, inc. command   £5.50

Total: 123.85 GBP

I may well increase this before the end of the month  ;D


02 May 2020, 09:45:48 PM #29 Last Edit: 02 May 2020, 11:35:08 PM by Leon
Salamanca at 1:10, not including the light dragoons, as I haven't yet decided whether to go with Tarletons or newer shako versions (!), nor KGL Hussars, brigade, division and Corps HQ.

49x NPB1   British Centre Company, march attack   £269.50
35x NPB3  British Flank Company, march attack (16)    £103.25
4?x NPB5  British Line command   £22.00
21x NPB7 Light Infantry, advancing WITHOUT command (16)   = £61.95
3x NPB8   British Light Infantry, firing inc. command (16)    £8.85
4x NPB12 British heavy dragoons in bicorne with command £22.00
12x NPB12 British heavy dragoons in bicorne WITHOUT command £66.00
2x NPB15 British 6pdr with line crew £11.00
12x British gunners from NPB15    £2.40?
2x NPB16 British 6pdr with horse crew £11.00
3x NPB17 British 9pdr with line crew £16.50
3x NPB19 British 5.5" How with line crew £16.50
1x NPB20 British 5.5" how with horse ctew £5.50
16x NPB21 British limber with outriders £88.00

1x NBK1 Brunswick Oels command £5.50
2x NBK1 Brunswick oels march attack WITHOUT command £11
1x NBK3   Scharfschutzen, inc. command   £5.50

43x NPP3 Portuguese line infantry in stovepipe £236.50
4x NPP4 Portuguese line command in stovepipe £11
3x NPP7 Cacadore command in Stovepipe £16.50
16x NPP7 Cacadores in stovepipes, WITHOUT command £88.00
2x NPP8 Portuguese line cavalry with command £11.00
2x NPP8 Portuguese line cavalry WITHOUT command £11.00
12 Portuguese gunners from NPP10    £2.40?
2x NPP16 Portuguese limbers with outriders £11

1x NSP4 Spanish mounted officers £1.85
8x NSP13   Spanish Line infantry (c1812-1814) £44.00
1x NSP14   Line infantry command (1812-1814) (15) £2.75
6x NSP20 Spanish lancers de Castilla de Don Julian £33.00
1x NSP22 Spanish 4pdr with horse crew £5.50
1x NSP30 Spanish limber with horse team £5.50
