How are we getting through it?

Started by Leon, 19 April 2020, 09:00:34 PM

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Quote from: Techno II on 23 July 2021, 06:49:00 AM
...and then there's the 5 day (?) lag on the figures, Steve......So what it's actually doing right at this mo'.... :(

Cheers - Phil.

We're at a worse stage on infections than ever, fortunetly whilst the various vaccines aren't good enough to reliably prevent you catching it they DO mitigate the symptoms. Just a shame we've said "f*** it" as a country and decided to abandon all hope. That said the general populace here in B'ham seems mostly reasonable, at least until beer's involved.

My clubs just restarted and the Committee have put a fair number of measures in place (over some members objections, who have decided YOLO but they got overridden!), but as it's indoors with a couple dozen people I'm not going unless I can organise a game outside and minimise inside rebreathing air for hours with people.

Especially as I somehow caught a bloody cold which has developed into sinusitis - think my eldest got it going swimming (MOAR CHLORINE WALSALL COUNCIL, MORE CHLORINE!), and she's also ended up with an ear infection, and the combined symptoms meant we all got pinged to isolate - waiting on PCR's to coe back but the repeated LFT's came up negative which is good. Ofc mine might have been caught at the club last week, despite large table and outside and masked up, which shows how easy it is to transmit - just a good job no one DID have Covid, as a good chunk of the club is half again as old as me and have undelrying health issues....
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -

Steve J

Yep, the rate is doubling at just under 7 days now, which is very worrying. In the previous tier system we would be on pretty much full lockdown again!


Quote from: Steve J on 23 July 2021, 10:35:21 AM
Yep, the rate is doubling at just under 7 days now, which is very worrying. In the previous tier system we would be on pretty much full lockdown again!

True dat.

But hey, freedom!

It's small consolation but I'm betting a lot of peoples mental health has improved now they can legally have a pint/party/hug their granny.
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: Orcs on 22 July 2021, 07:21:52 PM
Unless it smells or looks dodgy of the pot has "Blown" I eat it . Only thing I am careful on is Shell fish.

Agreed! We seem to have become overly obsessed with use by dates; we discard based on smell. However, in the hot weather increased caution seems a prudent move; mind you the fermenting pineapple tasted great.


Quote from: toxicpixie on 23 July 2021, 10:50:57 AM
It's small consolation but I'm betting a lot of peoples mental health has improved now they can legally have a pint/party/hug their granny.

But I'm a teetotal sociopath whose Grannies died 40+ years ago.

Those with mental health issues should try becoming wargamers   collectors of unpainted figures , its worked for me  :d :d :d ~X(


Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:44:39 PM
. . .  should try becoming wargamers   collectors of unpainted figures

Ahhh, so it's not just me then?


Quote from: toxicpixie on 23 July 2021, 10:03:34 AM
who have decided YOLO
:-<  Its because I only live once that I would like it to last as long as possible!!   

Peeps pretty sensible here in those shops I've been in.  But then I am in a small town on the Costa Geriatrica .


Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:44:39 PM
But I'm a teetotal sociopath whose Grannies died 40+ years ago.

Those with mental health issues should try becoming wargamers   collectors of unpainted figures , its worked for me  :d :d :d ~X(

I have long accepted that I have largely moved from wargamer to planner of, and collector for, projects that will never be started, let alone completed.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Don't forget "thinker about".

I spend hours thinking about what I should do next - buy, paint, build, read, etc.

It may look like I'm just sitting in my chair sipping tea/coffee, but there's an awful lot of thinking about going on.


Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:55:29 PM
:-<  Its because I only live once that I would like it to last as long as possible!!   

Peeps pretty sensible here in those shops I've been in.  But then I am in a small town on the Costa Geriatrica .

I had a long discussion with a fellow club member, who has decided he CBA anymore, it's fine and manageable and it only happens to other people, anyway he's bored and wants to play games so GTFO.

That's great, proper bit of "no such thing as society" thinking there, but it's *not him he's risking*.

I'd suggested that people take an LFT before attending the club, and that may have triggered him.

He's no spring chicken, but he's very much an individual. Meanwhile younger attendee's are testing regularly and other club members also chimed in with "ignore that, here's some sensible measures similar to your suggestion 'cos we don't want crippling either"... so, eh.

It's definitely relaxed everyone but some are more relaxed than others, and I'm not sure age is much of a factor?

I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


31 July 2021, 06:31:59 AM #820 Last Edit: 31 July 2021, 06:38:58 AM by FierceKitty
Got my first shot Thursday (at 61 I'm a senior, so relatively fast tracking). Felt chipper and spry yesterday, but today I feel as if I'm a junkie going cold turkey in rehab. Weak and giddy, some trouble focussing.  To be expected, I understand.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Quote from: FierceKitty on 31 July 2021, 06:31:59 AM
Got my first shot Thursday (at 61 I'm a senior, so relatively fast tracking). Felt chipper and spry yesterday, but today I feel as if I'm a junkie going cold turkey in rehab. Weak and giddy, some trouble focussing.  To be expected, I understand.

Shouldn't last long more  than 2 days see a Doc...
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Steve J

Sorry to hear that Alexander. My wife and I had the AZ vaccine and were fine, our son had the Pfizer vaccine and was fine too, but our daughter who had the Pfizer vaccine was knocked out for about 4 days, with hot and cold sweats and nausea. Hope you feel better soon.

Techno II

Hope you feel better really soon, Alexander. :)

Take care- All the best - Phil :)


Hope you feel better soon FK.  Better a couple of days like this than getting fuill blown Covid
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson