Battleground Games confirmed!

Started by Leon, 04 November 2019, 12:41:23 AM

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04 November 2019, 12:41:23 AM Last Edit: 04 November 2019, 10:01:38 PM by Leon

Battlefield Trust
Battle of Guisborough 1643 - The Battle of Guisborough recreated as a 2mm/1:800th scale model, as part of the Battlefield Trust stand.  There will also be a display of weapons and equipment.

Border Reivers
Battle of Plum Creek - A (highly) fictional engagement set during the American Civil War where a British Intervention Force is sent to help out the Confederate States. A 28mm game using Pickett's Charge Rules.

Brompton Bankers
Poland 1939!

Carrying On Up The Dale
The Battle of Ferozeshah, 21st December 1845: Set during the 1st Anglo-Sikh War, the Sikh army (the Khalsa) have crossed the river Sutlej and invaded British India.  General Sir Hugh Gough (Commander-in-Chief of India) and Sir Henry Hardinge (Governor General of India) are in command of an impressive army of Queen's and East India Company troops.  After an untidy victory at Mudki on 18th December the army is posed to attack the Sikhs in their entrenched encampment at the village of Ferozeshah.

Durham Wargames Group
To commemorate the 500th anniversary of Cortes' conquest of Mexico, set around the lake in the Valley of Mexico.  This was one of the actions Cortes undertook prior to the siege of Tenochtitlan, played out using Sword and Spear rules.

Generals & Kings
Battle of Kursk - in 20mm using Battlegroup rules!

Grimsby Wargames Society
The Battle of the Dnieper was a military campaign that took place in 1943 on the Eastern Front of WWII.  It was one of the largest operations of the war, involving almost 4,000,000 troops and stretched across a 1,400km front.

Iacta Alea Est
Restaging the last day of the Battle of Leipzig, between France & Allies vs Russia, Austria and Prussia!  In 10mm, using Pendraken figures!

Independent Wargames Group
A large English Civil War battle in 25mm, representing a 'What If' scenario circa 1642.

Lancaster Cellarmen
Vintage 20mm Russo-Japanese War using Jacklex figures!

Old Guard Wargames Club
Bolt Action: Western Desert 1942.  The Afrika Korps, supported by the Italians, attack the 8th Army at Gazala.

Prince Bishop Wargames Club
El Cid Raiding Parties - Spanish and Christian allies trying to fend off Moorish raiding parties.

Redcar Ironbeards
WWII German invasion of the island of Leros on 12th-13th November 1943.  Played using 15mm figures and Rapid Fire rules.  Visitors are encouraged to take part if you wish!

Stafford and District Wargame Club
Operation Camargue – A Croissant for Uncle Ho!  Indo-China – Viet Minh v French Colonial forces using 10mm figures and pendraken's blitzkrieg commander iv ruleset

Westerhope Wargames Group
The Battle of the Little Big Horn and Reno's Retreat in 25mm!


Cozzmic Cakes
Cupcake Wars! - Always one of the most popular games of the event, come and have a go and win yourself a cupcake!

Nate Zettle
Blood and Plunder!  Brandish your cutlass and musket and prepare for swashbuckling adventure on the Spanish Main! Whether you're marching your pirate army across the Isthmus of Panama as legendary pirate Henry Morgan or terrorizing the Jamaican coasts as the infamous Captain Rivero, Blood and Plunder is a game that is guaranteed to evoke thrills and capture the imagination of miniature gamers.

Scarborough Games Society
Details TBC!

Something to do With Dice
Tomb of Blood!  Vampire hunting in Victorian Durham using In Her Majesty's Name Gothic rules!

Tyneside Wargames Club
Operation Barbarossa!  A nice big game using 10mm figures!

Vince Usher
Carnevale! - The year is 1795, A great Rent has torn open reality and sunk most of Europe beneath the waves. Only one place stands untouched by the calamity: Venice.  Gangs stalk the canals looking for blood, the clandestine secret societies making themselves known, fighting to carve out their own territories.  A 32mm skirmish game

Yorkshire Coast Gamers
A 15mm Napoleonic game using DBN rules! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Steve J

A great mix of games there :). Hope the show goes well.



Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Hope the weather is kinder than it is here today.

It's stay at home weather today.
My Ego forbids a signature.


By an odd coincidence* I will be in Durham, spending a few days with my sister so will be ideally placed to come to Battleground this year.

Good range of traders and games, couple of pre-orders already in and I'm looking forward to a day every bit as good as my last visit!

I suspect I should be trying to offload some of my lead mountain on the Bring & Buy but I also suspect I may be a little late to get table space.

If I'm not busy selling things I don't want, to buy stuff I don't need, with money I don't have, so I can sell it again in a year or two at another Bring & Buy I'll try to get some pictures and post them up so people can see them now I have a Flikr account.

On a tangentially related topic, talking of traders, anyone know what's going on with Rapier Miniatures, beyond the "shut for renovation" message on the website?

*Believe that, you'll believe anything :)
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: Ithoriel on 04 November 2019, 08:14:44 PM
I suspect I should be trying to offload some of my lead mountain on the Bring & Buy but I also suspect I may be a little late to get table space.

We've still got a few slots available, all after midday though.

Quote from: Ithoriel on 04 November 2019, 08:14:44 PM
On a tangentially related topic, talking of traders, anyone know what's going on with Rapier Miniatures, beyond the "shut for renovation" message on the website?

He's having some health troubles (hip and back) I believe so has had to cancel a few shows at the end of this year.  He's hoping to be back on the show circuit for 2020 but I don't have any info on his day-to-day running I'm afraid. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!