Pendraken model help - ACW 62 Wagons

Started by steve_holmes_11, 16 September 2019, 02:32:51 PM

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I'm nearing the end of painting my recent Pendraken ACW purchase.
Casualties, Wagons and a few atrillery odds and sods to go.

Looking closely at the wagons there's something I can't recognise - here's my plea for advice.

The canvas covers of the wagons have a couple of rectangular bits beneath the awning at one end.
I'm not sure whether these are leftovers form casting channels, or whether they represent part of the frame that supports the cover.
Please advise.

If the former, I'll machine them off, of they're a deliberate part of the model, any advice on colour?
I've gone for a rather fabulous powder blue body and oxblood wheels for the rest of the wagon.

And thanks in advance to anybody who comes to my assistance.


I think the tabs on the cover (bottom aren't they?) are just to set them into the wagon body. I have a couple of wagons in my FPW Test picture but they don't show details. As I recall there were also casting sprees on the cover at one end.


If it's the large canvas casting then those will just be the casting sprues and can be removed.  The canvas block should sit snugly into the wagon piece once those are off. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Many thanks, I'll fire up the Dremel.

And congratulations on an excellent range.
Great range of poses, all useful.
Nice crisp detail, good painting.


Quote from: Leon on 16 September 2019, 11:26:41 PM
If it's the large canvas casting then those will just be the casting sprues and can be removed.  The canvas block should sit snugly into the wagon piece once those are off.

I'm wondering. Shouldn't there be a foot board? (if these horses suddenly stop, the driver will slide off). Just saying.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Not til the 1960's, and not compulsory til 1985
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


I probably shouldn't worry about his safety. He's probably sitting comfortably on a spike.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: Westmarcher on 17 September 2019, 11:32:01 AM
I probably shouldn't worry about his safety. He's probably sitting comfortably on a spike.

I'm reminded of Edmund Blackadder's staunchly puritanical relatives..


Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 17 September 2019, 08:24:16 AM
And congratulations on an excellent range.
Great range of poses, all useful.
Nice crisp detail, good painting.

Glad you like them! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Quote from: Leon on 17 September 2019, 01:23:44 PM
Glad you like them!

Certainly do, my first venture into 10mm for some 2 decades.
I've based up enough grey and blue chaps for some very flexible Rebels and Patriots encounters.
Not to mention casualties and baggage.

Sound forth the trumpet that will never call retreat!


Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 25 September 2019, 09:17:28 PM
Certainly do, my first venture into 10mm for some 2 decades.
I've based up enough grey and blue chaps for some very flexible Rebels and Patriots encounters.
Not to mention casualties and baggage.

Excellent! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


if you sold wagons without canopy ive have a dozen, as I card the tilt and use a fine linen for the feel?

See if its posssible :)


I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.