Holiday projects?

Started by kustenjaeger, 26 December 2010, 06:46:14 PM

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Furniture done.
Now converting the minotaurs to create a shaman and give them more variety of weaponry.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Project number one? Getting over my 'manflu' [not my diagnosis] which kicked in again Christmas night  :(

Every time I manage to get some time off work, I get ill...grr... >:(


I'm hoping to finish off the basing for the SYW Austrian and Prussian units that have been waiting patiently for months now. Once those are done, I'll add some officers and maybe a couple of more units and that'll give a couple of good "starter" armies. I've been thinking about using Die Kriegskunst with them (which I have), but have read with interest recent posts about Black Powder games.

I suppose, since I have a few days off, I'd better do the tiling on the kitchen floor as well. Somehow I don't think the missus will accept the the argument, "but look at the wonderfully painted SYW figures that I've done instead"! :-\


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!



 :-\ Personally I wouldn't risk it.
It could result in pay-back for the whole of 2011  :(
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Had hoped to make progress with some re-painting and re-basing my Marlburians (changing gamescale), but failed miserably. Still did manage to prime my late 19C ready for my next project.

Happy New year to all


Last Hussar

How long do you think it will take for me to do 180 WSS?  Then 30 cavalry, 24 casualties, 2 cannon (limbered and unlimbered), plus cannon casualties (3rd pack of cannon vs my clippers!)
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Quote from: Shecky on 28 December 2010, 12:45:43 AM
Hopefully I'll have my AWI Continentals in hunting frocks finished tomorrow. After that I'll be setting up more AWI units to be painted. Perhaps the artillery or British Grenadiers which arrived while I was out on vacation. I definitely haven't been able to work on much during my time off.

So, I must say that having 2 weeks off from work have not been very productive at all in regards to painting. I did finish my AWI Continentals about 2 days after I wrote the initial post. And I just started the British Grenadiers and Royal Artillery this morning. I had envisioned completing gobs of units in my 2 weeks off but failed miserably.



Likewise not very productive.  However the 2 weeks 'holiday' included about 2/3 of the fisrt week actually working on calls, emails etc and a bit of last week.  Today I've got back to back calls from 2pm until 5.30pm despite it being a bank holiday.

So all I managed from a painting perspective was to add to my 10mm Ostfront 1943 forces for a game last week, which was unplanned but useful.  The others will have to get done at weekends etc as usual.




all going well so far, finished the US Paras for ardennes. one company plus support and command. some twenty bases. and plenty of snow !

working today on schedule first 3 early war german sculpts for dave. 2 x riflemen and one with mg34 at rest. should be done by tomorrow then 3 more.
looking good so far.   :)
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!