Holiday projects?

Started by kustenjaeger, 26 December 2010, 06:46:14 PM

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Anyone doing wargame projects over the holiday sesaon?

My plan was to make progress on my 10mm Western Desert and 10mm SYW.

However ...

I seem to have volunteered to host a game of BKC II on Tuesday with up to 5 players, so I'm trying to get my Ostfront forces optimised for the game.  So tasks for today and tomorrow:

Convert my old command bases onto round bases (CO for each side, German FOO, 2 German infantry HQ, 3 Soviet infantry HQ, Soviet tank T-70 HQ and add a few more (Soviet T34 HQ, Soviet artillery HQ, German Sdkfz 253 HQ, German motorised infantry HQ, 2 German tank HQ (Pz IIIK and Pz II) 
Add a dug in Soviet rifle battalion (to show when the defenders are in trenches) - a number of Pendraken figures have been cut in half for this exercise;
Add a weak German panzergrenadier battalion;
Add a Soviet divisional artillery battalion (2 ZIS-3 76mm and an M30 122mm) without transport.




Our miserable delivery record the last weeks before christmas make my holiday somewhat unsure.  Normally I have off until the 4th now, but I'm already working tomorrow.

Still, I intend to make good progress with painting my D-Day Germans and US troops.  I hope to find some time to work on my buildings - I've had a few days of lost time, without much advance, but now I seem to have found the right approach, so I think I'll have some test moulds by next year.

If I manage all of that, I'll be more than happy.
Boardgames: MMP ACW, ASL ᴥ BKC & SSOM - WW2 (In development) ᴥ Flying Lead - Sci-Fi: Shocktroops, Pulp, Spugs ᴥ WH - Greenskins, Dwarfs - -

ʎɐqə ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎəʞ ɐ ʎnq ı əɯıʇ ʇsɐl əɥʇ sı sıɥʇ


Christmas projects i here you say, Me I am moving my Painting room around trying to get more stuff into it and hoping to paint a few more of the Russians I had earlier this year!!! Oh and sorting out a nice little order for some British aparently one of the guys wants to do all of arnem should be fun if nothing else.

Tom H
aka Bilbo.


Building a stable for the horses  :D
Hopefully getting my dinosaurs painted and based. Make some more terrain for the games, do the cavemen, as I might need some sometime, finish basing the Masai and bearers abd I am sure there is a whole host of other bits that need sorting and painting :D
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!

Steve J

Getting a 15mm Fallschirmjager force based and primed in advance of a small campaign based around Operation Avalanche, to introduce a few members at the club to BKCII. I also hope to at least start basing up a load of Pendraken ACW for use with Black Powder some time next year.

Whilst stricltly not gaming related, I have to help out daughter make a Motte and Bailey castle for a school project before 4th January. I must remember that it is just for school and not for me ;).


have taken two weeks off work this time with a view to getting some figures done. (might do some decorating !)

Finishing off my 10mm US paras for the ardennes. then to make a start on Volksgrenadier force to pit against it.

make a good start on some WWII sculpts for Dave, hope to get about 10 done by time back at work.

nice to have some time off and enjoy my hobby. first week off in a year.

:) :) :)

2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


I'm working  on my dungeon furniture.
Hoping to get my first game under my belt by the weekend.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Quote from: Steve J on 27 December 2010, 07:42:43 AM
Whilst stricltly not gaming related, I have to help out daughter make a Motte and Bailey castle for a school project before 4th January. I must remember that it is just for school and not for me ;).

Well, once she's finished with it...   :D ;) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: Leon on 27 December 2010, 04:36:49 PM
Well, once she's finished with it...   :D ;)

Just make sure it's in a usable scale  :D
Boardgames: MMP ACW, ASL ᴥ BKC & SSOM - WW2 (In development) ᴥ Flying Lead - Sci-Fi: Shocktroops, Pulp, Spugs ᴥ WH - Greenskins, Dwarfs - -

ʎɐqə ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎəʞ ɐ ʎnq ı əɯıʇ ʇsɐl əɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

Steve J

Unfortunately it's not at any 'true' scale, but has to fit on an A3 sheet of paper. However, it is pretty quick and easy to do, so watch this space ;).

goat major

i've updated my blog, helped my lad stick together some of his dark eldar. On the todo list is finish off my first batch of 28mm syw austrians, paint an Imperial Bastion, post another request for AWI Tarleton cavalry
My blog:
My twitting:

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!


Holiday :o whats one of those :D

all power to the workers ;)
James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


Plonking on with my FPW lads - not too intense, but progress none the less.


Hopefully I'll have my AWI Continentals in hunting frocks finished tomorrow. After that I'll be setting up more AWI units to be painted. Perhaps the artillery or British Grenadiers which arrived while I was out on vacation. I definitely haven't been able to work on much during my time off.



As I have got back into Warmaster in a big way in the last few months, I have been doing some Empire cannon, crossbows and cavalry. I also got the BofA set for Christmas - lots and lots of 10mm plastic figures, it really is an impressive amount of stuff for £50. I've already painted 2 units of Wargs (pretty easy, spray brown, dark wash, highlight, paint teeth and muzzles). 4 units of Elves are well on the way, with cloaks and armour done.
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at