Colours, Newbury - Sat 7th September

Started by Leon, 13 August 2019, 11:40:57 PM

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Steve J


Wasn't going to go to this - been in a bit of a hobby funk, not really done anything gaming or modelling related for a couple of years now (other than post here occasionally . . .) - but BigJackMac's adventures with tiny aircraft have inspired me. Saw that Tumbling Dice were attending so made a late decision to go this morning.

Got there about 11:40, pretty packed but people were already leaving. Had a good wander around, bought some dice from that nice man on the Pendraken stand and enough 1/600 aircraft from Tumbling Dice to play the Battle of Britain game, plus Martlets and Fw 200s for a bit of convoy defence.

Only had a quick wander around the top floor, but it looked very busy and games were actually being played. Hope you all had fun.

Didn't really look at anything else, as I'd got what I want. Surprised at how many MDF buildings were on show - seems to be the current big thing. Left at about 12:45, when the downstairs was notably a lot quieter than when I'd arrived.

Hope it was worth coming all this way for Pendraken.

Cheers, M.

Steve J

I wasn't sure if I'd attend, having driven back from Edinburgh yesterday evening, but felt up for the trip after a gentle start this morning. People were leaving when I arrived at 11.15, but the ground floor was busy when I went in. The middle and top floors a lot quiter, but it looked like many were already having lunch. Some good games on show, but didn't really feel like chatting any, other than Andy (Leman) and Bruce Weigle. For once no books grabbed my attention, but I did by some mdf figures from walt at Commission Figurines and bits'n'bobs from Pendraken. I had planned a pre-order but ran out of time, so will sort this out soon. I'm glad I went, but too tired to really enjoy it.


I went to the Gateshead show. I was really looking forward to it. However i was in and out in 45 mins.
Very few traders, cost me more to get in than i spent in show.
I think everybody went to Colours.   :(


Indeed I headed south rather than north, partly because this is a fixture for the group I game with in Liverpool wargames club. Had two pre-orders including a very large one (for me) from Pendraken. Picked up a small number of things from the traders, including some commanders and plastic pikes from Lancer, mdf RUB inserts from Commission, couple of 8" measuring sticks from Warbases, broadside markers from Peter Pig (for use as artillery fired markers) and two books from Helion - Armies and Enemies of Louis XIV by Mark Allen, and The Last Throw of the Dice - Bourbaki and Werder in Eastern France 1870-71 by Quintin Barry. Despite the title giving the impression that this just covers the final campaign of the French Army of the East, it does in fact cover most of the activities in eastern France, including the siege of Strasbourg and Garibaldi's involvement.

The show was big, over three floors of the main stand of the race course, with traders on the ground and first floors and games and the Bring and Buy on the third floor. It was a good opportunity to meet a few of the people I knew and to catch up with my brother and nephew. There were a couple of enormous games on show - one being a massive 28mm game of Boudicca's final battle, and another featuring an attack on an unfeasibly tall 28mm fantasy castle. Interesting, but not sure that it demonstrated how easy it would be to start wargaming. Just two tables from our Samurai/Korean game (in unfashionable but perfectly doable 15mm) was Bruce Weigle's San Martino 1859 game. For me this was the star of the show (despite being in unfashionable 6mm), possibly because I have a strong interest in the C19th and partly because it actually looked like a full battle unfolding - one of Bruce's strengths. Further it was also nice to see his rules in their latest guise - found in the 1871 rulebook, but being used with the now available to download 1859 updated QRS.

The end of a great weekend was crowned when I arrived back home this afternoon and being shown a wonderful Youtube video by my son on modelling scenery by an Australian modeller.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Steve J


Thanks for sharing, Steve.  :)

Cheers - Phil


Good summary there Steve. As usual I was well and truly clobbered by the Koreans - the game moved deliberately slowly so that we could talk to people when they came to have a look. Unlike last year nobody wanted to give it a go, and to be honest the FoG family of rules are not amongst my favourites as I think they are still over-complex.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Steve J

It's tricky getting a set of rules that work for a wargames show. In this month's WS&S magazine, there is a small piece at the back on this very topic and the author uses the 'Rampant' game engine, as it is quick, easy to pick up, so perfect for a show. Bloody Big Battles worked in a similar way for us recently, as the mechanics are elegantly simple, so quick to pick up etc.

John Cook

I haven't made the effort since 2015 and I agree it seemed quieter than previous years.  Overall a bit disappointing I thought and I left empty handed.  I seem to remember that Colours was a two-day show once upon a time.  Is the hobby contracting I wonder?   



Quote from: John Cook on 09 September 2019, 11:56:18 AM
I haven't made the effort since 2015 and I agree it seemed quieter than previous years.  Overall a bit disappointing I thought and I left empty handed.  I seem to remember that Colours was a two-day show once upon a time.  Is the hobby contracting I wonder?   

I think 'our' end of it is but the Games Workshop etc people will inherit the earth.
"I like coffee exceedingly..."
 H.P. Lovecraft

"We don't want your stupid tanks!" 
Salah Askar,

My six degrees of separation includes Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, and Wendy James

Steve J

After the show had a break of a year due to change of organisers, it went down to a one day show, mainly due to costs etc. IIRC most traders made a loss on the Sunday or broke even at best. Sunday was always quieter in fact the best day to visit the show and see the games on offer. Next year I won't arrive as doors open as I will avoid the rush and have a more pleasant experience.


It definitely seemed quieter in the afternoon this year, our takings were the lowest in about 8 years which isn't great.  I don't know if the change of date affected attendance numbers, but the queue at 10am looked promising.

The sad thing is that with Colours moving into the Border Reiver slot, we were only able to take a small back-up stand to Gateshead, meaning we lost a chunk of money there as well. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


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