Phoenix 2019 wargame show, Cumbria (UK)

Started by Norm, 01 July 2019, 02:52:59 PM

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Steve J

Nice report Norm and the out of date show info is a real bugbear of mine.


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!



Thanks for sharing, Norm.....Great piccies ! :)

Cheers - Phil.


Some nice photos of of nice looking tables.


Nice report, thanks Norm. Nice part of the world too.


Hi Norm
Good report

My game was Culloden
Putting on at JO6 this Sunday, hopefully with my custom mat if it arrives.

You were correct with the rules, they are an adaptation of TTS or more specifically FK&P

The cads provide some pre game options and then a few carry over into the main battle as tactical cards

The back of all the cards is the 9 of diamonds as legend has it that Cumberland wrote the "no quarter" order on the back of one the eve of battle

The game uses 3 inch squares and 6mm thugs but would work just as well with 10mm and 4 inch squares



Quote from: Jimbo94 on 02 July 2019, 08:29:13 PM
My game was Culloden

You were correct with the rules, they are an adaptation of TTS or more specifically FK&P

That's really interesting, I'd set up a (2D) Culloden game that I haven't got to play yet. Was going to use Black Powder, but wary that might be a little dull for what seems like quite a linear battle. Hadn't thought of using FK&P but it seems like it could work really well for it. How did the game go?


The game has been played  8 times with two draw and 6 government wins
The game bases success on degrees of Jacobite defeat and Of other defaays f   2 have been historical, 2 better the history and 2 quite a bit better than history

Battle catprds provide a mini  pregame which can change the battle slightly such as allowing the. Jacobite to contest the enclosures or for the ground to be. A bit less boggy etc

4 cards are carried over into the main game which can be played tactical to do such things as increase the lethality of a highland charge or reduce its impact due to the government troops bayonet drill etc

If you send me an email address I'll forward the charts, map ,lob, and battle cars etc


Quote from: Jimbo94 on 02 July 2019, 10:38:42 PM
The game has been played  8 times with two draw and 6 government wins
The game bases success on degrees of Jacobite defeat and Of other defaays f   2 have been historical, 2 better the history and 2 quite a bit better than history

Battle catprds provide a mini  pregame which can change the battle slightly such as allowing the. Jacobite to contest the enclosures or for the ground to be. A bit less boggy etc

4 cards are carried over into the main game which can be played tactical to do such things as increase the lethality of a highland charge or reduce its impact due to the government troops bayonet drill etc

If you send me an email address I'll forward the charts, map ,lob, and battle cars etc

Done, cheers!


Thanks Norm for the show report- we are attempting to create a good blend of trade/participation/display games all in a family friendly and non-gamer friendly venue. We think we are getting it right but there is always room for improvement and 2020 will be a progressive change. See you next year.

(I was the bloke on the door)


Hi Graham, thanks for all your hard work in getting this show up and running ..... see you next year.


Quote from: owaincaesarius on 04 July 2019, 03:30:36 PM

(I was the bloke on the door)


I have been attending your show from the start and I do see little improvements over the years.

I was one of the early organisers of Claymore and Fiery Cross before that. I leave all that to a younger generation now.

There is one big difference I have noted to any show I have organised and that is Club T-shirts and name badges. It helps people to get to know everyone, even those quiet guys in the background.

My Ego forbids a signature.


Thanks JIm,
the T shirt/ name badge thing is a good point. This year was the first time i haven't worn my West coast gamers t-shirt at the show but that is mainly due to a slight split in the club/show organisation. Also the show really is organised and run by one guy- Chris Sutherland, with my slight contribution of manning the door on the day with a few others helping out as needed. Sure we can look at them for next year.

Any other ideas from yourself or anyone else would be really appreciated.

Thanks again,
