MicroMark Army List requests!

Started by Leon, 26 June 2019, 11:47:59 PM

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Excellent thank you ive got them and they are excellent to be going on with im hoping for the 53RD Welch IN Holland and Germany late 1944-45.


Productive day today, four new lists for your wargaming pleasure  :D

BKCG15: German 57th Infantry Division, Russia, June-July 1941
BKCB26: British Coldstream Guards Battlegroup, 32nd Guards Brigade, Guards Armoured Division, NW Europe, September 1944
BKCB27: British Welsh Guards Battlegroup, 32nd Guards Brigade, Guards Armoured Division, NW Europe, September 1944
BKCB28: British 43rd Wessex Infantry Division, NW Europe, September 1944


Mark B


Hi Mark B

Minor error on the excellent British 1st Airborne Division list, 3 Para were commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel John A.C. Fitch, not Finch.  ;)

Cheers Paul
T13A Out!



Spent today revisiting the Russian 12th Tank Division 1941, revised file is now up:


And all the German 1941 Russian front lists have been updated with notes on air support, ie they had no Stukas around the battle of Dubno!

Mark B


Next up in the Arnhem series, the British 50th Division, it's main unique feature at this time was the AA regiment having all of it's Bofors mounted on trucks.


Mark B




To complete the British 30th Corps in September 1944, the Free Dutch Prinses Irene Brigade:

This had an unusual organisation that doesn't translate too well into BKC format, but this is my take on it, for what it's worth. For the actual TOE, see MicroMark List D42.

Mark B


Couple more Russian lists done:
BKCR18: Russian 35th Tank Division, 9th Mechanised Corps, Russia, June 1941
BKCR19: Russian 131st Mechanised Division, 9th Mechanised Corps, Russia, June 1941

Mark B


Was wondering about some German Western Theater of Operations army lists like the 21st Div or 12th Hitler Jungend? And German units during Market Garden?
Also Canadian 3rd Div and British 3rd Div and 27th Armour - I'm going for a bit of a Normandy thing.

Thanks for your good work here.


Noted, I have been collecting info on the German units at Arnhem. lots of Kampfegruppes to find out about!

Progress may be slow as we've had a family bereavement, so have got somewhat behind on jobs to say the least.



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