Cotswold Wargaming Day

Started by Keith57, 15 June 2019, 08:12:36 AM

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Dave Fielder

We even convinced Stuart Asquith that 6mm is a good scale to game in!  :o
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Steve J

In fact quite a few of the gamers were interested in Dave's 6mm figures, as they could see that you really got the feel of a large battle. I think Stuart Asquith being really enthused by our game was the highlight of the day; in fact he probably spent most of his time sitting and chatting with us, which was a great honour and pleasure.


Poop - missed this one :(

Next year then...

Chris Pringle

Quote from: Steve J on 04 September 2019, 09:26:57 PM
In fact quite a few of the gamers were interested in Dave's 6mm figures, as they could see that you really got the feel of a large battle. I think Stuart Asquith being really enthused by our game was the highlight of the day; in fact he probably spent most of his time sitting and chatting with us, which was a great honour and pleasure.

Excellent! Great to hear that Stuart liked your Kurudere game so much. Do I remember right that Stuart wrote a scenario book for the Crimean War himself? (He types, having already googled to confirm: )

Any chance of the Wargaming Addict doing an AAR for us too?


Bloody Big BATTLES!

Steve J

My AAR delayed due to taking daughter to Edinburgh and the prep involved in that. Now safely back home the plan is to write it this weekend.

Dave Fielder

AAR goes something like: "Russians, dressed a bit like French Napoleonic Infantry, deployed thinking this will be a piece of cake; only facing pesky Turkish Raw troops  (dressed a bit like Prussian infantry). Then it started, the Russian left flank fought like deflated marshmallows, Turkish Irregular cavalry went berserk in the centre and broke through Russian regular cavalry, shrugged off Russian trained infantry (attacking from the rear) and narrowly missed destroying the Russian hospital full of wounded troops. Then the Russian Grenadiers attacked with elan only to find that the Turks had elan-plus installed!"

And here endeth the lesson. Blogspots will carry images of the very soon ...
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Steve J

I think Dave has summed it up pretty well :D. Some game 'photos, a sort of AAR and thoughts on the show can be found on my Blog:


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Steve J

Chris Pringle

Quote from: Steve J on 08 September 2019, 07:46:35 PM
I think Dave has summed it up pretty well :D. Some game 'photos, a sort of AAR and thoughts on the show can be found on my Blog:

Dave, Steve, thanks for the AAR and blog post. I really appreciate the work you did on the bespoke terrain: that depression behind the Russian lines where the hospital was is hard to portray convincingly on the tabletop any other way (I just demarcated it with my versatile green pipecleaners!) so it's great to see it done properly.

I found a quite detailed Russian map of the battle in the Russian Wikipedia entry:

And out of interest I took a walk on the battlefield using Google Streetview. Sure is flat!,43.4935851,3a,60y,180h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBvYb0hgvu46Q-BOvtzY-Bw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


Bloody Big BATTLES!

Dave Fielder

That is flat! Good job the Russians only had smoothbore weapons, imagine the Bloody Big Balkans firepower on that ground.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis