Multiple projects at once?

Started by mmcv, 11 January 2019, 10:40:39 PM

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Looking back over my past year getting into the hobby I've found I've tended to focus on one project at a time until it was done to a level I was happy with (or I didn't want to continue it any more... all that money on 28mm Romans/Celts... #-o)

This was partly due to time and money constraints, as well as a general urge to finish something before moving on. As I prepare to dive into round two of my ECW painting after finally finishing off my Zombiecide figures, I've been thinking about all the projects I'd like to do in the year ahead and I wanted to ask the forum for advice.

Many of you talk of your lead mountain.

Do you tend to pick a sizable project from it and spend time doing it, or do you pick up a unit or two from one project to paint then tackle an entirely different one for variety?

If you were able to go back to the beginning, would you take a different approach? Finishing one project before starting another? Or would you build up a glorious Mt. Lead all over again?

What other techniques do people have for working on projects? I'm sure there's many different ones out there!

I'd be interested to know how you all approach the hobby.


My last painting session started with a continuation of painting the fourth battalion of 7YW Prussians I am doing for a friend which themselves were interrupted by me painting three battalions of Waterloo British for a friend. Both of these commissions themselves interrupted my painting of several other units for myself which are still unfinished.

My continuation of that last painting session continued this evening and itself was interrupted by a slight diversion of a few figures for a future project.

At the same time I am also reading through two different rulesets when I am not painting.

My Ego forbids a signature.


Quote from: jimduncanuk on 11 January 2019, 10:50:04 PM
My last painting session started with a continuation of painting the fourth battalion of 7YW Prussians I am doing for a friend which themselves were interrupted by me painting three battalions of Waterloo British for a friend. Both of these commissions themselves interrupted my painting of several other units for myself which are still unfinished.

My continuation of that last painting session continued this evening and itself was interrupted by a slight diversion of a few figures for a future project.

At the same time I am also reading through two different rulesets when I am not painting.

That sounds pretty fractured! Do you find you go back and finish them all eventually when jumping about or have you a trail of half finished units awaiting the mood to take you again?

I find I do spend a lot of time planning future projects or extensions to existing ones when not in a position to do any painting - researching time periods, rules, blogs, etc.


11 January 2019, 11:12:30 PM #3 Last Edit: 11 January 2019, 11:14:24 PM by Edmund2011
Interesting musing.

I go through the typical life-cycle-process: get attracted by an era/battle, reaserch a rulebok and resources, get the figs, plan when and how to paint'em when a, black primer, plan again when and how to paint'em, paint a bunch, plan again when..... at that moment my attention is catched by another era/battle... and all again starts. Nevertheless I use to finish a project each one or two years, but unwilling I end working in several in parallel!!  ;D

In the end is Fun vs Free Time. The less time you have for the hobby the more Fun you need to have when you can sit down and paint/read/play.

I have recently discovered that it works for me to work in three projects at the same time. Recently I was painting 10mm Bretonnians, 1/72 WAB El Cid and 1/72 30YW

When I am a bit tired of the 10mm I change to one of the others 1/72... and can work them at the same time

But currently I'm thinking of Ancients again... and it is so fun to paint them... so...     :-      ;D


I have various methods...
One method is to try and finish a project, my 15mm FIW  is a case in point. I worked through it until I had everything painted. But another option is to chop and change a squad of Flintloque elves, then onto 10 mm Mongol medium cavalry,   Flintloque, 20 mm road wars etc...
I am also following Azazel's monthly challenge which can randomise things a bit too.
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


I have various methods...
One method is to try and finish a project, my 15mm FIW  is a case in point. I worked through it until I had everything painted. But another option is to chop and change a squad of Flintloque elves, then onto 10 mm Mongol medium cavalry,   Flintloque, 20 mm road wars etc...
I am also following Azazel's monthly challenge which can randomise things a bit too.
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Quote from: Edmund2011 on 11 January 2019, 11:12:30 PM
Interesting musing.

I go through the typical life-cycle-process: get attracted by an era/battle, reaserch a rulebok and resources, get the figs, plan when and how to paint'em when a, black primer, plan again when and how to paint'em, paint a bunch, plan again when..... at that moment my attention is catched by another era/battle... and all again starts. Nevertheless I use to finish a project each one or two years, but unwilling I end working in several in parallel!!  ;D

In the end is Fun vs Free Time. The less time you have for the hobby the more Fun you need to have when you can sit down and paint/read/play.

I have recently discovered that it works for me to work in three projects at the same time. Recently I was painting 10mm Bretonnians, 1/72 WAB El Cid and 1/72 30YW

When I am a bit tired of the 10mm I change to one of the others 1/72... and can work them at the same time

But currently I'm thinking of Ancients again... and it is so fun to paint them... so...     :-      ;D

I think one of the driving factors for me initially was to have actual armies I could play some games with. Now I have I can take a bit more of a relaxed approach and may consider starting up side projects to add some variety, maybe adding a couple more units to my Crusades armies or exploring other scales again.

Ancients are fun, I'm really looking forward to the Greeks coming later this year. And will likely do many projects in the era in the coming years...

I do agree on the fun factor, it's not something I ever want to become a chore. Saying that I do enjoy setting myself a bit of a challenge at times to finish some units by a certain date for instance.


Quote from: Maenoferren on 11 January 2019, 11:21:46 PM
I have various methods...
One method is to try and finish a project, my 15mm FIW  is a case in point. I worked through it until I had everything painted. But another option is to chop and change a squad of Flintloque elves, then onto 10 mm Mongol medium cavalry,   Flintloque, 20 mm road wars etc...
I am also following Azazel's monthly challenge which can randomise things a bit too.

Out of interest, do you find one method more rewarding than the other? Or just different?

Had a look at the monthly challenge and some of your blog posts, excellent work and the challange is very interesting, I can see that adding a lot of fun, especially if you've a lot of different pieces to hand.


I concentrate on a single army at a time, assuming I've got the figures. Dragging out the individual armies' time on the table would frankly be rough on my peace of mind.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 12 January 2019, 12:52:29 AM
I concentrate on a single army at a time, assuming I've got the figures. Dragging out the individual armies' time on the table would frankly be rough on my peace of mind.

Yeah, there something very satisfying about completing a project rather than it sitting half done for a long time.


Quote from: mmcv on 11 January 2019, 10:57:33 PM

That sounds pretty fractured! Do you find you go back and finish them all eventually when jumping about or have you a trail of half finished units awaiting the mood to take you again?

Yes, I do get completions, just not as quickly if I didn't help out others who cannot paint for peanuts.
My Ego forbids a signature.


I try and stick to one main project and get it to a usable size at least.  I will get diverted while doing it, either just to have a break from doing the same type of figure , or because I need something for a game.

Currently I am doing French Foreign Legion for North Africa. I have two units done and another 4 units and 5 HMGs half done.   I got diverted to painting a squad or Early ww2 Germans after playing a game where I did not have enough riflemen.   I will then return to FFL with renewed vigour. Provided I don't get diverted again.

I normally have one main project on the go and several I am finishing off or adding to. 

The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


I tend to have one main project on the go with others waiting their turn  :-w
This is assisted by being on the far side of the world from most temptation, figures take weeks to get to New Zealand

I typically do both sides of a project and try and break up the project into sub-projects that give 'balanced' forces ready for the table at each stage

For example my last AWi project had three British sub-projects (actually 2 British and 1 German) and three American (actually 1 American and 2 French)
As each pair of sub-projects was completed I could field larger and larger forces

I also tend to work in batches so I'm not doing too many figures at once but can still get in a rhythm doing several of the same figure

I also regularly post in the Painting Diary sub-board,19.0.html I find this helps keep me focused
If I take too long I get chased for piccies ;)

It really is a case of experimenting and finding what works for you
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Oh Lor!

I have well planned projects. I scope out what I need and sometimes a buying schedule. What happens then is that the Dark Lord introduces giraffes and I am distracted.

However there is usually a main theme and at least one other going on at the same tome. At present the main theme is probably Ww1 with tiny Pacific as the back up. These are just a diversion from the real main theme which is Korea. I like to have 2 or 3 things on the go which are very different. This gives me a bit of Varity when painting.

Currently have TB archers, WW1 limbers and tiny PBY Catalina on my painting table.

I have found it the best way to keep the butterfly mind happy.
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


12 January 2019, 06:18:45 AM #14 Last Edit: 12 January 2019, 06:22:24 AM by Norm
Armies take so long to get together that distraction along the way becomes almost inevitable, for me at least, but I think once you have a few 'usable' armies, so that you can always get a game to the table, pace and direction of progress matters less and you can direct 'it' rather than the other way around.

The lead mountain is simply our capability and energy / motivation  to be able to paint and base fast enough is outstripped by a roving eye and the sirens of retail therapy!