Recon Show Report

Started by Leon, 11 December 2010, 04:41:41 AM

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Apologies for the delay on this one, I managed to misplace the camera!

The Recon show is the last one on the calendar, and this year, suffered from the same snowy weather that had arrived the week before at Smoggycon.  With the amount of Xmas orders that were piling up, Dave decided to stay back at Pendraken HQ and get some casting done, so me, Gandalf, and Jenna hopped into the van and set off down to Leeds.  The roads were surprisingly clear, and the wheels didn't touch any snow until we pulled up outside the venue at 8am.

There were only a few traders unloading, and once we got inside we saw that a lot of the other companies hadn't been able to make it.  Even some of the more local traders had fallen victim to the heavy snowfall we'd had.  Having the three of us unloading the van meant we were done and set up before 9am, so Jenna went and got the bacon butties in, and I had a quick wander about.  The show is held in the Pudsey Civic Hall:

and is normally spread over two floors.  Unfortunately with about a third of the traders missing, they had to move everyone down into the one hall.  However, this creates a much better atmosphere to the show, there's nothing worse than rows of empty tables, and keeping everyone in one area creates a much better feel.

When the show opened at 10am, the customers came pouring in, and considering the weather, it was surprisingly busy.  Our new helmet was making it's second appearance, and garnered much attention.  The first victims volunteers donned it, and we got our first batch of pics, which are below.  Business continued through til lunch, with a good number of people milling about, and Jenna headed off to organise some food.  The makeshift catering was excellent, with a wide variety of stuff on offer, and I enjoyed a rather nice Yorkshire Pud with sausages and onion gravy.  You don't get that at many shows!

Trade through the afternoon tailed off a bit, and at about 2pm I went and got the van positioned right outside the front entrance.  Speaking with other traders, everyone seemed to have had a good day, more than expected, which is usually the case when there are less traders.

We started packing up at about 3, and were on the road by 4, heading back through the snow towards Middlesbrough.  There's always a sensation of relief after the last show of the year, when you know that you've got a couple of months to restock and recover from the years travelling.  It won't be long though before we're packaging up and getting ready for the York show in February!

So, for the games:

And the new Helmet pics!  We still need a name for the thread for these, so any suggestions are welcome!

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with that lot of romans, boudicca would ave died laughing !!!   :D
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


Very Asterix the Gaulesque Romans ;D ;D ;D
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!