Seeking miniature selection guidance for Type 44 Ger Inf Regiment

Started by hakejumble, 15 October 2018, 12:28:26 PM

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Morning all,

I'm currently in the process of putting together an army list for a Type 44 German Infantry Division, and I'm lookijg for some help on the nitty gritty things like historical accuracy, and what towing vehicles/limbers to use etc.

Anyhow, this what I've come up with so far.

Regimental HQ 5 figure base with officers and radio op.

2 x Infantry Battalions consisting of ...
Battalion HQ 3 figure base with officer and radio op
3 x Infantry Company's 24 figures over 6 bases
Heavy Weapons Company 2 x MG42 2 x 81mm 1 x 120mm

Infantry Howitzer Company 2 x 75mm IG. 1 x 150mm IG

Anti Tank Company 2 x Pak 40. 2 x Panzerschrek bases

Divisional Artillery 4 or 6 x Le Fh18 105mm Howitzers.

My real bug bear at the moment is giving them all the correct transport/tow/limber so I can have the full Regiment come on the table limbered and mobile. From what I understand, a great deal of the infantry boys still used horse drawn limbers and carriages. Could anyone help me select the right transport for the respective comoany's Listed above?

I've had a look at the various trailers/limbers/trucks/wagons on the German catalogue, any photos of the 'GR' range limbers and trailers would be very helpful.

Kind regards,


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This is a pictogram a created a few years ago to show this formation at the 1 stand to 1 platoon scale

I aggregated a number of the MGs together.

As for transport. Horses are the most likely. Any what ever motor transport they could lay their hands on. The Pak 40s and the 120 mortars where the most likely to get motor transport.

There is a late war limber in the Pendraken catalogue it was GR37 in the old numbering.
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There are some pictures here of various Pendraken horse drawn German limbers and carts.,1687.15.html

If I'm understaning the thread correctly then:

Nik Harwood's pictures show GRX1 (ex GR35) general service wagon and GRX2 (ex GR36) - 2 wheel old style limber with 4 horses

Fred's picture shows GRX3 (ex GR37) - Infantry light limber, trailer with horses

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