Belly of the Beast (Dungeon Module for 10mm)

Started by Stormcrow, 27 November 2010, 03:47:18 PM

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The Belly of the Beast ( Dungeon Module for 10mm Roleplay)

As Beragon opened his Eyes, he suddenly realised his Dealings in the Town, had not gone according to plan. He was surrounded by Darkness, pitch Black till his Eyes adjusted to the Gloom. His travels had brought him to a little town, on the outskirts of Perovia.This was one errand he wasnt being paid for, usually the Repremand of Assasins paid very well, but this time it was different, this time it was a Favor. Arriving in a Town called Drake, with a Minimal Population, What Trouble could there be? And certainly no place for a wanted man to hide out for long.

But the Nights activities had taken a turn for the worse, as he had met up with a lead in the Towns Tavern. And what was ment to be a Strictly Confidential Exchange of information, had suddenly become a Hellish Pub brawl, after Beragon had Accidently insulted the Tavern Keepers Daughter. The Migrash Ale had taken its tole, and he could vaguley Remember catching the Eye of a Brutish Thug sitting in the Dimly lit Snug.Beragon, a Rogue of Renoun class, was usually on his best behavior when it came tofitting into the Ebb and Flow of New places. Maybe this was his Punishment for the one time he let his Guard down.

Rubbing his Head, and then his Eyes, his gaze tried the best it could to distinguish where in hades he was, and Desperatly casting his aching Mind back to see if he could Remember anything at all. He felt around in the Gloom, and realised he was proped against a Giant stone Slab, Cold and Wet with Decay. In fact the Whole place was bitterly Cold, and it seemed to stab at his flesh like a Goblin Dagger. Glancing round this strange place, there seemed to be hardly any light at all, Except for a faint Glow in one area, that seemed to be a corner. Beragon had travelled alot in this realm, he'd grown accustomed to the ways and cultures of the farthest reaches of the world. This...was a place they put people to forget about em, it was a dark, decaying, prison and in a prison cell, there was usually a Door. " A Door that leads to what, and from where?" Questions he would have to wait to be Answered, because apart from that little Glow, he was alone.

With the help of the Stone Slab, he slowly stood, and luckily still being Clothed, searched his pockets for anything that might be of use. When he had arrived in Drake, he'd had a Satchel filled with Equipment and provisions, and stashed upon his person, his tools of the trade. Items a Rogue never left home without, which included a very basic lockpick, a Slow burning taper and a Spark block. He'd been cleaned out...Nothin.
Just as he was begining to think he'd had better moments, a faint light pushed the gloom against the Walls, giving him a better look at where he was. Four huge stone walls, dripping with damp , no windows, and a single Wooden Door at one end of the Room .Again adjusting his Eyes to the now dimly lit Room, the light seemed to be coming from outside the Door.

" Are you there" came a voice between the bars. Who ever it was, it seemed a silly question. Beragon walked to the door, and peared through the bars. His gaze rested upon a pair of Hazel Eyes looking back at him. " I am Elwen, of Barrowash" he said. " And you my Friend are in Danger" Beragon shook his Head and gave a grin. " Really" He probably could have come back with a class remark here,but was glad to see anybody right now. Elwen quickly continued " I  have to tell you, i have been tracking you for some time now, and i saw what had happened last night". " I thought it best to wait for daylight to rescue you". Elwen looked behind him. " This place is silent and deserted as of this time, but night draws fast, and when it does, we will both be at there mercy

" Beragon looked confused. " Wait, why would they lock me in here, unattended?" " And why Nightfall?" Elwen stepped back a little way down the corridor. " Stand back please"  he said, and produced a Bow and arrow. Beragon did as he was told, if this Elwen was true word, he would hopefully be free of his prison. Elwen took aim, and let an Arrow fly at the Door lock. With a spark of Metal against Metal , the lock fell away. " Quickly they may have heard that!" Elwen bekoned to Beragon. " Who?" Beragon replied, " You said this place was unmaned, silent. Elwen pointed to the giant stone slab Beragon had lent on to stand. " That is a Tomb, my Friend" he pointed. " And these are the Vaults and Crypts of the Magai" He turned to look at Beragon. ..."Vampires" " Undead" ...."Call them what you wish, but in a few hours you would have been Dead my Friend" Elwens torch faintly lit the way before him. " Come, Quickly" he said. " They will know of you, they will feel your presence here, we must reach the Temple Ruins of Ranor"

Already moving ahead, Beragon did quite well to keep pace, with his Slender Rescuer. " Elven " Beragon thought, they where always to clever for his liking. They had reached a set of stone steps, before Elwen turned. " NOt much further my Friend". " These steps lead to the main Vault above these Crypts". " I have left the Door ajar" he continued. " If you........ A Green vapor started to fill the Corridor.

Behind them they could hear the Slow Scraping of Stone upon Stone. The Thud of Falling stone Lids and the Sighs of Hollow Lungs rasping for Air. Elwen glanced at Beragon. " Go!" he said. " It seems we have run out of time". " I will give you some time to escape" Beragon was pushed upwards by Elwen. And as he stumbled up the stone steps, he could just see the Slate grey of the Vault above him. He pushed upwards on the Door, only to be met by resistance, as the Door was forced shut. " No!" Beragon called out, as if someone had pushed the door closed from the other side. Elwen who had turned with Bow ready, called back up the steps to Beragon. " He is awake!" " HE !" Beragon returned. " Raigan.....the Count!" Beragon stumbled down the steps toward Elwen. " He's closed the Door". " Now we fight" Elwen handed Beragon the Sword he'd had strapped to his belt." Any good with a sword?" Elwen said. Beragon took the handle and drew it.

" This is where our Fight begins my Friend" Elwen turned to look at Beragon. Beragon readied the Grip on the sword, and pointed it before him. With his Torch held high, Elwen illuminated the

G.M.W / Ravenz~Heart© 2010
" True Freedom, Lies within the Heart


Belly of the Beast -Character Stats Conversion

Beragon- Rogue Class

Movement- 5
Weapon Attacks- 6  ( Upon Finding Beragon's Crossbow- Ranged 3-4)
Armour- 5
Wounds- 5

Special Abilities - Stealth, Charge Attack, Traps ( can deactivate Traps with a D6 roll

of 4, 5 or 6

Elwen- Wood Elf Class

Movement- 5
Weapon Attacks 5 (4-8)
Armour- 4
Wounds- 4

Special Abilities - Dedicated Shot, Master Shot, Elwen hits with Ranged attacks on a

"to hit" roll of 4,5 or 6 , a 5 or 6 if target is in cover.

Scenario based Special Characters

Worm-Wood- Skeleton Captain

Movement- 4
Weapon Attacks- 3
Armour- 4
Wounds- 4

Special Abilities - Undying, Control Allies (Modified Control Enemy), Charge Attack

Blood-Gutz- Frenzied Troll

Movement- 4
Weapon Attacks- 6, Frenzied Attack- 8 (Twice per Game)
Armour- 6
Wounds- 4

Special Abilities - Regenerate, Charge Attack

Raigan von Stern- Vampire Lord

Movement- 5 ( Fly-8 )
Weapon Attacks- 8, Bite Attack- 4 ( Poison Attack)
Armour- 6
Wounds- 6

Special Abilities - Resurrection, Finger of Death, Gaze Attack,

Von Stern's Coffin- Coffin Markers throughout the Dungeon act the same as Teleporters.

Once in play Raigan can appear atop any Coffin as if Teleporting. Heroes can destroy

Coffins on a D6 Roll of 5 or 6.

Dungeons can be stocked with any Extra Minions as seen Fit.

( Character Conversion taken from the "Dungeon World 2nd Edition , Stephen A Gilbert
" True Freedom, Lies within the Heart


Sounds intriguing... great start to a campaign  :)


It sounds like an Iron Maiden song !
The Beeelly of the beast !


 m/  Here's to the Ones that Find the Courage to Dream
" True Freedom, Lies within the Heart