Review your wargaming year! 2018 edition

Started by petercooman, 21 December 2018, 05:53:58 PM

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1: best new rules/game you played?
Last eagles system (boardgame from Hexasim, did both Ligny and Austerlitz)

2: worst new rules/game you played?
This would be a Euro game that I played face-to-face with the owner of said game. It promised much, but delivered worse than bland.

3: best purchase you did this year?
Clash of Eagles, a Black Powder supplement, best from the point of view that it has been the package I have most enjoyed sitting down with and browsing. Just delightful eye candy.

4: worst purchase you did this year?
nothing, everything bought has been a considered purchase, so everything at the very least met expectation.

5: most expensive purchase this year? And did you regret it?
Buying into the Advanced Squad Leader boardgame system - no regrets at this stage ..... but I have been here before!

6: game you played the most this year?
Probably the Lock 'n Load Tactical WWII boardgame system.

7: game you wish you had played more this year?
Operation Typhoon by Revolution Games (in the U.S.)

8: how many models did you paint (roughly)?
around 400 12mm and 10mm and around 36 28mm

9: which unused models/games did you sell/trade?
all things 15mm and some 1/72 plastic vehicles still on the sprue

10: would you review your year as a good year of wargaming, or did you want more?
I had a good year, with most days having a mind on wargaming in one way or another


22 December 2018, 01:50:04 PM #16 Last Edit: 22 December 2018, 01:53:32 PM by Orcs
1: best new rules/game you played?

Sunjester and I started playing Sword and Spear, and have found them to a good set of rules

2: worst new rules/game you played?
None Really, some have not fully appealed for me to buy them but they have been fun

3: best purchase you did this year?

A very large ACW army, with about a 1000 painted figures and the same unpainted

4: worst purchase you did this year?

4 Ground smoke markers - too glossy for my taste.  Will be making my own - which is what I should have done in the first place

5: most expensive purchase this year? And did you regret it?

10mm WSS Fench army, excellently painted. No regrets

Oh and my most expensive single figure - A 28mm conversion  to make Bandobras Took , Excellently done by Techno. - definitely no regrets on that one .

6: game you played the most this year?

Chain of Command and Frostgrave  

7: game you wish you had played more this year?

Sword and Spear

8: how many models did you paint (roughly)?

28mm - 22 foot
20mm - 11 Vehicles, 60 infantry
10mm - 200 pieces and 20 vehicles

9:wich unused models/games did you sell/trade?

Sold off various odds and ends that paid for the WSS army

10: would you review your year as a good year of wargaming, or did you want more?

Excellent year averaging  20 odd all day games and 20 or seo evening games

Yes I always want more
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


1: best new rules/game you played?  Walter Schnaffs

2: worst new rules/game you played? None

3: best purchase you did this year? 6mm Austrian Napoleonic army - Adler

4: worst purchase you did this year? None

5: most expensive purchase this year? And did you regret it? ESR Napoleonic riles and 1809 supplement - excellent stuff

6: game you played the most this year? Square Bashing/BBB about equal

7: game you wish you had played more this year? Altar of Freedom and 1914.

8: how many models did you paint (roughly)? 200

9:wich unused models/games did you sell/trade? Napoleonic 28mm plastics

10: would you review your year as a good year of wargaming, or did you want more? Started really well but then domestic problem caused a dramatic slow down. slowly getting back on track.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


1: best new rules/game you played?  Bloody Big Battles/re-fight of Lobositz using Honours of War.

2: worst new rules/game you played? None

3: best purchase you did this year? The Pikeman's Lament. Osprey had a sale and Paypal offered £5 off my next purchase, so it only cost me a few quid.

4: worst purchase you did this year? Hardly qualifies and no way a catastrophe but bought some more mdf bases in a size I already had(!). 

5: most expensive purchase this year? And did you regret it? 104 figures from Peter Pig. No - so far, painting up very nicely.

6: game you played the most this year? Honours of War.

7: game you wish you had played more this year? As above.

8: how many models did you paint (roughly)? 80 (roughly equal mix of 15mm and 10mm).

9: which unused models/games did you sell/trade? None but gifted my unused 6mm buildings by way of a thank you.

10: would you review your year as a good year of wargaming, or did you want more? Not the best and so definitely wanted more.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


1: best new rules/game you played? None

2: worst new rules/game you played? None

3: best purchase you did this year? Texas War of Independence Project

4: worst purchase you did this year? I can't think of one at the moment

5: most expensive purchase this year? And did you regret it? Texas War of Independence Project Not yet

6: game you played the most this year? Rapid Fire

7: game you wish you had played more this year? Hail Caesar & Black Powder

8: how many models did you paint (roughly)? Not sure 200 Infantry approximately 150 Vehicles approximately

9: which unused models/games did you sell/trade? None

10: would you review your year as a good year of wargaming, or did you want more? I think I've had an exceptional wargaming year I've played 48 games and been to 4 shows of course I'd like more but wouldn't we all

Take care

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