Claymore, Edinburgh - Sat 4th August

Started by Leon, 23 July 2018, 10:04:58 PM

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I will be there, too. My trader stand is next to Old Glory in the atrium. Thanks to Leon for putting his design skills into drawing up the floor plan, BTW. I also have a participation game in front of my stand - a Crusader game in collaboration with Edinburgh University. Come on by and say hello!
← click my website button to go to Michael's 10mm 1809 BLOG and WW1 Blog

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Good to hear you will be there Michael I hope the show goes well for you

The trenches you designed for me are currently in use as strong points as we mark the centenary of the Affair of Abu Tellul, Jordon Valley, 14 July 1918
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

pierre the shy

Ownership of some of the strongpoints is currently under dispute (in terms of the game at least). The ANZACs are about to impose Breaker Morant's rule 303 while the Ottoman force has equal number of Maxim 08's....hope l shuffled the cards well ☺
"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Great show today! Busy but not too crowded, warm but not cooked, lots to see, lots to do, lots to buy and lots of people to meet.

Traders, including Leon and Adele, seemed happy with the day, which is always good.

Hats off to the organisers, as ever!

Pictures here (I hope)

It's Facebook but it's set to Public so you shouldn't need a FB account.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Thanks for the great photo report, some really nice stuff going on there.


[Currently writing this like a half-shut penknife for reasons that will soon be explained.]

I dropped in at the show for an hour on the afternoon. Looked like a good show but for some reason I could not work up a lot of enthusiasm when I got there. So, apart from a token purchase at the Pendraken stand, I came away empty handed.  :( 

Now usually I come away inspired from these shows - but my lack of enthusiasm this time round was very probably down to tiredness taking hold in the aftermath of the fire alarm going off at 4.40 am in my hotel and all of the guests evacuated to await the arrival of the Fire Brigade to sound the all clear! 

I did manage to chat to Leon and Jim(Duncan). I also hoped I might bump into Ithoriel and Womble but never having met them before in person (I've only seen photographs), I realised that was going to be unlikely. And, indeed that was what happened. However, at one point, seeing Jim talking to two guys and wondering if one of them was indeed Ithoriel (although the body never fell over - mind you, perhaps the other, taller guy was holding him up? - the face somehow seemed familiar), I gate crashed their conversation hoping to get an intro from Jim. But, on first saying hello to Jim, the other two then scarpered! Now, in my tired dopiness at the time, I might be mistaken, but I'm sure Jim said it was Mike (Ithoriel)! Mike, was it you (and who was your carer?)?

I was also vaguely aware that Michael of Wee Wars was running a stand but somehow missed this (the programme I was given on admission might have helped but somehow I managed to lose this within 5 minutes of entry!).

So, whilst not the most successful of visits, glad you posted the pics, Mike, to confirm to me I was in fact there in person! Cheers!  ;D
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Hi Westie

My conversational compatriots included the infamous Ithoriel (the hefty one) and Damien my French gaming buddy (the lofty one).

Not sure why they scarpered, maybe you scared them off.

I never saw the Womble through the day, I wonder if he made it with all the recent hassle on the trains.

Nice meeting you again.

My Ego forbids a signature.


Sorry to miss you Westmarcher - especially as it seems we missed by moments!

I'm pretty sure I must have been talking to Jim and Damien when you spotted us. I was making my way (slowly) to the exit to grab a cab. Standing for four or five hours had taken a toll on my hip and knee which turned out not to be as over the after effects of faceplanting into the bath a couple of weeks ago as I'd imagined!

Not helped any by my own lack of sleep. I live in a four-to-a-block maisonette. It's nice and very roomy for what you pay. However, although the sound proofing side to side is excellent there is literally no soundproofing up and down. I often say I can not only hear my upstairs neighbours changing TV channels, I can hear them change their minds :)

At 1am my upstairs neighbour arrived back home from a night out with friends (about half a dozen I'd guess) and they proceeded to chat loudly, argue and sing (badly) until about 07:30. I got about an hours sleep all night but caught up a little after posting the pics - fell asleep in a living room chair and only woke about fifteen minutes ago.

I look forward to finally meeting you at a point where neither of us are sleep deprived :D
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Thanks for sharing the photo's, Mike. :-bd

For your sleep problem.

Have you considered getting some earplugs ?.....They DO help cut down a lot of noise.
I used to use a pair, when Von listened to the radio until the early hours.

Cheers - Phil

pierre the shy

Thanks for taking the time to post your photos Mike, looks like a good day out.

Hope the guys playing Starwars were wearing sunglasses - interesting terrain colours  8)

Stay well

"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"


Quote from: Techno on 05 August 2018, 05:17:44 AM
Thanks for sharing the photo's, Mike. :-bd

For your sleep problem.

Have you considered getting some earplugs ?.....They DO help cut down a lot of noise.
I used to use a pair, when Von listened to the radio until the early hours.

Cheers - Phil

I swear by Honeywell's "Howard Leight" lightweight (pink and yellow) one-time earplugs .... as being better than swearing AT the neighbours :)

They cut down enough sound to let me get a good night's sleep without cutting me off from the world entirely.

However, I don't like wearing them if I need to be up early in case I sleep through the alarm.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Ta for the piccies, looked to me like there might have been a fair bit of inspiration there. My grandad was up the Khyber in 1919 when it all kicked off for the third time.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: Ithoriel on 05 August 2018, 11:17:08 AM
However, I don't like wearing them if I need to be up early in case I sleep through the alarm.

I really don't need an alarm....I usually wake up at 3AM....(Switch the radio on, set it, with a half hour 'cut off''...Go back to sleep....Then wake again at 5 AM....get up....(if I can be bothered).....Then again at 6AM. (Probably to let all the dogs out)...get up......
Play patience on the PC.....Let the dogs back in....Maybe go back for a snooze until 7AM.....Get up....start pushing putty around.

On VERY rare occasions ....I'll sleep from when I go to bed until about 6.30AM......That's a REAL lie in. ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil