Free digital Warlord rulesets

Started by Fenton, 30 May 2018, 02:21:08 PM

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Might see how much it would cost to get them printed with Directdox or the like
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Quote from: toxicpixie on 31 May 2018, 04:02:22 PM
Actually, a copy of HC/P&S/BP with all the fluff taken out and just the actual base rules would be dead handy... maybe with the special characteristics section on the end, now I think about it.

One of them, possibly HC has a pure rules bit at the back.
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I don't recall that so it's probably HC as until yeayerdaybindidntnown a copy of that  one :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -

Last Hussar

Glad to see TPs tablet is as idiotic as mine. Guessing something android because that looks like the sort of sh*t mine will vomit up. When I'm deleting a predictive text failure it deletes a couple of letters, then instead of deleting the next letter, just repeats the entire misspelt word.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Quote from: toxicpixie on 31 May 2018, 08:02:53 PM
I don't recall that so it's probably HC as until yeayerdaybindidntnown a copy of that  one :D

Yeah, that was... special.

"Until yesterday I didn't own a copy of that one".

Thanks, thumb fingers and tech :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: petercooman on 31 May 2018, 07:37:56 AM

Another thing to bear in mind, on the old warlord games forums there was a thread talking about a new edition of black powder. Don't know if that is a possibility, but maybe this is a strategy to get more people in before they revamp?

So, warlord games just announced black powder 2 on facebook. Told you so... ;D

Dr Dave

Yes. It's just BP. Not P&S or HC.


10 August 2018, 09:04:27 PM #23 Last Edit: 10 August 2018, 09:10:26 PM by petercooman
Quote from: Dr Dave on 10 August 2018, 08:16:48 PM
Yes. It's just BP. Not P&S or HC.

Well, in the comments someone asked if they would do a pike and shotte 2 as well. The answer was "wait and see"

picture of the cover:


I was about to post that when I saw this post :D

Yeah, looks very pretty. Wonder what they've done, I rather got the impression they thought the rules were essentially perfect and you just needed to jiggle the specials a bit?
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -

Steve J

Not that I will buy the 2nd edition book, but I hope the keep the fluff in one section and put the rules in another, to make it easier to find a rule when you need it.


Yesterday their online shoppe was still happily flogging edition 1 at £30 with not a mention of its coming obsolescence.


Does anybody know what burning issues are fixed in episode 2?

Similar to Steve3,
I'd welcome a more thorough segregation between the rules and fluff.
A 7 page rules summary (as in Hail Caesar) would be even better.
Better still would be the 7 page summary as a separate publication, with a free fluff supplement you can hurl directly into the dustbin.
But they'll have to convince me there's some seriously original and improved content if they think they're getting another 30 Soverigns of my business.

I have a horrible feeling they might soon up-version the Codices Supplements